created | Platform | action |
11/04/11 12:18h | first_login_default | |
23/12/11 08:07h | first_login_esltv | |
12/01/12 06:38h | first_login_esltv | |
08/03/12 11:57h | first_login_eslworld | |
25/03/12 18:20h | kicked_from_league_ac Europe League of Legends EU East and Nordic 1on1 Ladder | |
03/07/12 10:45h | join_league Europe League of Legends EU East and Nordic 1on1 Proving Grounds #1 | |
18/07/12 08:28h | join_league ROM League of Legends 1on1 Poligonul de antrenament #1 | |
07/08/12 14:03h | join_league ROM League of Legends 1on1 Summer Cup | |
23/08/12 12:08h | join_team Iepurasul balonat (7050546) | |
16/09/12 07:34h | first_login_america | |
22/09/12 05:07h | team_kick Iepurasul balonat (7050546) / by Cocotheone (4429908) | |
29/09/12 07:34h | join_team Team Mistral eSport (6942985) | |
29/09/12 11:53h | team_kick Team Mistral eSport (6942985) / by Zombilau (5786504) | |
07/10/12 08:33h | join_team Goro4Troll (7215650) | |
23/10/12 13:26h | join_team Team Mistral eSport (6942985) | |
26/10/12 14:12h | team_kick Team Mistral eSport (6942985) / by Zombilau (5786504) | |
19/11/12 16:12h | team_kick Goro4Troll (7215650) / by Deleted account (5325484) | |
13/01/13 09:18h | join_team Goro4Troll (7215650) | |
13/01/13 18:25h | team_kick Goro4Troll (7215650) / by Deleted account (5325484) | |
31/01/13 10:28h | join_team ESL Romania (4101310) | |
15/05/13 20:25h | join_league ROM League of Legends 1on1 clash for a G600 Logitech Professional Gaming Mouse | |
02/06/13 08:27h | join_team Staff Romania (4020236) | |
25/08/13 11:12h | join_team Viscious and Delicious (7908740) | |
21/09/13 12:39h | join_league ROM League of Legends 1on1 #tesoro1 | |
08/10/13 17:33h | register_team Deleted account (7981317) | |
13/10/13 07:40h | join_league ROM League of Legends 1on1 #tesoro3 | |
15/11/13 03:43h | team_kick Staff Romania (4020236) / by ASROMA (1408150) | |
15/11/13 03:44h | team_kick ESL Romania (4101310) / by ASROMA (1408150) | |
24/11/13 08:31h | team_kick Viscious and Delicious (7908740) / by AdRyaan (7771986) | |
07/02/14 16:11h | join_team Deleted account (8178235) | |
10/03/14 14:09h | join_team MyRage Gaming (8280258) | |
15/03/14 08:15h | leave_team MyRage Gaming (8280258) | |
29/03/14 08:40h | team_kick Deleted account (8178235) / by Deleted account (8179775) | |
31/03/14 06:43h | register_team Romania 4 BB (8321814) | |
11/04/14 07:15h | join_league ROM Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Best Mage Ro | |
05/08/14 17:20h | join_league ROM Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Tesoro Open Bracket #3 | |
10/01/15 06:26h | join_team iQ Control (8826544) | |
03/10/15 07:06h | join_team PhysX eSports Female (6966149) | |
03/10/15 10:27h | join_team PhysX eSports (8385513) | |
23/10/15 14:03h | join_team PhysX eSports (9484869) | |
26/11/15 07:07h | team_kick PhysX eSports Female (6966149) / by PhysX Anonim (6372599) | |
24/03/20 18:16h | team_kick PhysX eSports (8385513) / by PhysX Anonim (6372599) |