created | Platform | action |
02/09/03 11:51h | first_login | |
28/04/04 18:14h | register_team Deleted account (787238) | |
29/04/04 11:42h | join_team Deleted account (609394) | |
29/04/04 12:47h | join_team Deleted account (787778) | |
29/04/04 12:47h | team_kick Deleted account (609394) / by (-) | |
29/04/04 12:48h | register_team sIN.Gaming e.V. Main (787834) | |
21/05/04 17:38h | register_team Deleted account (810900) | |
21/05/04 19:05h | leave_team Deleted account (810900) | |
23/05/04 14:49h | register_team sKiLL - Is - NaTuRaL 2on2 AAO 2 (813150) | |
23/05/04 15:06h | leave_team sKiLL - Is - NaTuRaL 2on2 AAO 2 (813150) | |
27/06/04 10:32h | team_kick Deleted account (787778) | |
25/07/04 18:50h | register_team Deleted account (880225) | |
26/07/04 10:48h | wanna_join_league Ger America's Army: Operations Objective 1on1 Ladder | |
26/07/04 11:03h | join_league Ger America's Army: Operations Objective 1on1 Ladder | |
04/08/04 15:14h | register_team Deleted account (889308) | |
04/08/04 15:24h | register_team In Memory of sIN.Gaming AAO (889315) | |
04/08/04 15:40h | team_kick Deleted account (889308) / by (--3) | |
03/09/04 16:06h | register_team Deleted account (919552) | |
25/09/04 15:50h | leave_league Ger America's Army: Operations Objective 1on1 Ladder | |
25/09/04 15:52h | register_team sIN.Gaming (941443) | |
05/10/04 17:21h | leave_team sIN.Gaming (941443) | |
24/10/04 23:16h | register_team sIN.Gaming e.V. Wc 3 CWL (973167) | |
04/11/04 13:03h | register_team Deleted account (986583) | |
04/11/04 13:04h | register_team Deleted account (986584) | |
04/11/04 13:05h | register_team Deleted account (986587) | |
04/11/04 15:27h | leave_team Deleted account (986587) | |
09/11/04 11:09h | leave_team Deleted account (986584) | |
09/12/04 12:54h | register_team Deleted account (1028505) | |
09/12/04 13:08h | leave_team Deleted account (1028505) | |
19/12/04 14:35h | register_team Deleted account (1041443) | |
09/01/05 15:13h | wanna_join_league Ger America's Army: Operations Objective 1on1 Ladder | |
09/01/05 15:35h | join_league Ger America's Army: Operations Objective 1on1 Ladder | |
25/01/05 07:03h | register_team Deleted account (1094560) | |
26/01/05 21:06h | register_team Deleted account (1097568) | |
26/01/05 21:12h | join_team sIN.Gaming (941443) | |
26/01/05 21:18h | register_team Deleted account (1097573) | |
27/01/05 17:44h | team_kick Deleted account (1097568) / by Deleted account (-3) | |
02/06/05 08:30h | team_kick Deleted account (1094560) / by (--) | |
18/08/05 04:05h | register_team Deleted account (1386830) | |
08/10/05 13:47h | register_team Deleted account (1455268) | |
05/11/05 08:54h | register_team Teletubbies (1497740) | |
05/02/06 13:06h | team_kick sIN.Gaming (941443) | |
17/04/06 09:32h | join_team Fantasy and friends (1707063) | |
24/05/06 11:57h | join_team WoW-HASSER (1135656) | |
25/07/06 18:43h | join_team sIN.Gaming (1951512) | |
15/10/06 12:11h | join_team Deleted account (2086230) | |
17/11/06 08:40h | register_team Team Unmannered (2142250) | |
22/02/07 17:16h | register_team Deleted account (2322412) | |
20/03/07 13:12h | join_team Deleted account (2365387) | |
09/06/07 11:43h | team_kick Deleted account (2086230) | |
10/09/07 10:27h | join_team sLaiNe's sINtology (2710238) | |
19/10/07 17:12h | join_team Deleted account (2783206) | |
21/10/07 09:56h | register_team Deleted account (2787434) | |
21/10/07 19:00h | join_team Deleted account (2788773) | |
23/10/07 10:39h | register_team Deleted account (2791464) | |
30/10/07 21:03h | join_team Deleted account (2805865) | |
22/11/07 11:53h | team_kick Deleted account (2365387) / by (-) | |
06/12/07 10:59h | join_team Lange Haare sind 1337 (2201679) | |
06/12/07 14:22h | leave_team Lange Haare sind 1337 (2201679) | |
07/12/07 19:59h | register_team SnowSmokers 2n2 (2891449) | |
07/12/07 21:02h | join_team Best Looking Guys (2891470) | |
11/12/07 09:02h | first_login_jufo | |
29/12/07 17:40h | register_team Deleted account (2936483) | |
10/01/08 17:25h | team_kick Deleted account (2805865) | |
12/01/08 10:43h | change_xfire -> kremser | |
19/01/08 16:57h | join_team Aki's Fanclub (2982827) | |
21/01/08 15:24h | register_team Deleted account (2988190) | |
24/01/08 19:28h | leave_team Fantasy and friends (1707063) | |
24/01/08 19:28h | leave_team Deleted account (2783206) | |
24/01/08 19:29h | leave_team WoW-HASSER (1135656) | |
24/01/08 19:29h | leave_team sIN.Gaming (1951512) | |
24/01/08 19:30h | leave_team Team Unmannered (2142250) | |
12/02/08 08:24h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
12/02/08 09:27h | join_league Ger Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
13/02/08 08:14h | join_team sIN.Gaming e.V. Wc 3 (2761086) | |
16/02/08 13:30h | increase_trustlevel 0 -> 2 | |
18/02/08 17:26h | register_team Deleted account (3052031) | |
18/02/08 17:36h | register_team Deleted account (3052051) | |
06/03/08 14:04h | join_team Deleted account (3090166) | |
07/03/08 14:31h | register_team Deleted account (3092334) | |
15/03/08 16:16h | join_team Hamburg (1042824) | |
22/03/08 13:03h | join_team Deleted account (3127494) | |
22/03/08 13:03h | join_team Deleted account (3127496) | |
25/03/08 15:26h | join_team Hamburgs Skiller (1211871) | |
31/03/08 07:52h | join_league Ger ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
31/03/08 11:24h | wanna_join_league Europe Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
31/03/08 13:20h | join_league Europe Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
09/04/08 19:06h | join_team W33D-SKIll (2955300) | |
12/04/08 17:52h | join_team Deleted account (2813965) | |
16/04/08 04:38h | team_kick Deleted account (3127496) / by Deleted account (4) | |
16/04/08 04:39h | team_kick Deleted account (3127494) / by Deleted account (4) | |
20/04/08 14:41h | team_kick Deleted account (2788773) | |
29/04/08 09:30h | register_team Lungs Lustige Trauergemeinde (3209134) | |
24/06/08 17:55h | team_kick sIN.Gaming e.V. Wc 3 (2761086) | |
26/06/08 10:57h | team_kick Hamburg (1042824) | |
04/07/08 18:37h | leave_team Hamburgs Skiller (1211871) | |
04/07/08 18:37h | leave_team Deleted account (2813965) | |
26/07/08 10:48h | join_team sIN.Gaming e.V. Wc 3 (2761086) | |
07/08/08 05:10h | team_kick Deleted account (3090166) | |
11/08/08 18:27h | team_kick W33D-SKIll (2955300) / by (33-) | |
17/09/08 03:40h | join_team Geil ich wohn ja direkt in meiner Naehe (3197533) | |
24/09/08 07:42h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
24/09/08 07:42h | trusted_direct_join Ger Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
24/09/08 07:42h | join_league Ger Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
08/10/08 15:01h | join_team (3114925) | |
24/10/08 17:19h | team_kick (3114925) / by Deleted account (4) | |
13/11/08 16:22h | team_kick sIN.Gaming e.V. Wc 3 (2761086) / by Daemon (3) | |
31/01/09 11:55h | register_team Deleted account (3827613) | |
18/03/09 10:42h | join_team sIN.Gaming e.V. Wc 3 (2761086) | |
03/04/09 06:37h | first_login_esltv | |
20/06/09 20:38h | register_team Deleted account (4216884) | |
21/06/09 22:04h | join_team Deleted account (4201473) | |
02/07/09 20:10h | join_team placeholder7 (4247213) | |
14/07/09 13:36h | team_kick Deleted account (4201473) / by Deleted account (3580777) | |
14/07/09 15:27h | wanna_join_league Europe Call of Duty 4 Promod Deathmatch Ladder | |
14/07/09 19:07h | join_league Europe Call of Duty 4 Promod Deathmatch Ladder | |
12/08/09 22:36h | inactivity_kick Europe Call of Duty 4 Promod Deathmatch Ladder | |
21/08/09 08:09h | first_login_esltv | |
29/08/09 17:24h | join_team Hamburg (1042824) | |
26/09/09 16:21h | leave_team placeholder7 (4247213) | |
26/09/09 16:22h | leave_team Geil ich wohn ja direkt in meiner Naehe (3197533) | |
26/09/09 17:47h | join_team placeholder7 (4247213) | |
20/10/09 11:14h | register_team Deleted account (4507503) | |
20/10/09 11:14h | register_team Deleted account (4507505) | |
22/10/09 10:31h | first_login_esltv | |
02/12/09 17:35h | wanna_join_league Ger S4 League Deathmatch Sword 1on1 Ladder | |
03/12/09 10:41h | join_league Ger S4 League Deathmatch Sword 1on1 Ladder | |
31/12/09 05:46h | wanna_join_league Europe Call of Duty 4 Promod Deathmatch Ladder | |
31/12/09 07:26h | join_league Europe Call of Duty 4 Promod Deathmatch Ladder | |
28/01/10 23:56h | inactivity_kick Europe Call of Duty 4 Promod Deathmatch Ladder | |
02/02/10 11:30h | register_team placeholder2 (4796502) | |
02/02/10 11:30h | register_team sIN.Gaming CoD4 EAS (4796505) | |
02/02/10 11:30h | register_team placeholder4 (4796506) | |
02/02/10 11:31h | register_team placeholder5 (4796508) | |
05/02/10 05:21h | first_login_esltv | |
27/02/10 20:10h | team_kick sIN.Gaming e.V. Wc 3 (2761086) / by Deleted account (2528306) | |
17/03/10 13:12h | inactivity_kick Ger S4 League Deathmatch Sword 1on1 Ladder | |
28/03/10 15:36h | join_team sIN.Gaming e.V CoD4 - Cups (4917834) | |
16/04/10 19:43h | first_login_esltv | |
19/08/10 08:31h | join_team sIN.Gaming (5066873) | |
02/09/10 09:55h | join_team Hamburg (5251919) | |
22/09/10 08:40h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty 4 1on1 Anti-Cheat Ladder | |
22/09/10 09:28h | join_league Ger Call of Duty 4 1on1 Anti-Cheat Ladder | |
06/10/10 15:44h | join_team Shadow Government (871189) | |
14/10/10 17:23h | first_login_esltv | |
29/10/10 08:09h | first_login_esltv | |
08/11/10 09:11h | first_login_esltv | |
21/02/11 06:04h | team_kick Hamburg (5251919) / by ace (937543) | |
20/11/11 08:30h | join_team DEVGRU (6357754) | |
21/01/12 19:46h | decrease_trustlevel 3 -> 0 | |
06/11/14 11:35h | first_login_eslworld | |
22/12/16 21:28h | first_login_sm |