Daimeron  id: 5985612
created Platform action
22/10/11 08:51h team_kick  Keepers of the Balance (5991646) / by Deleted account (5991594)
23/10/11 12:35h join_team  Keepers of the Balance (5991646)
29/12/11 14:36h leave_team  Keepers of the Balance (5991646)
09/02/12 05:38h wanna_join_league  CIS League of Legends 1on1 GameZet Cup #7
09/02/12 07:30h join_league  CIS League of Legends 1on1 GameZet Cup #7
10/03/12 06:33h wanna_join_league  CIS League of Legends 1on1 GameZet Cup #9
10/03/12 06:55h join_league  CIS League of Legends 1on1 GameZet Cup #9
10/03/12 09:52h wanna_join_league  CIS League of Legends 1on1 GameZet Cup #9
10/03/12 09:55h join_league  CIS League of Legends 1on1 GameZet Cup #9
14/06/13 06:14h register_team  Deleted account (7783481)
10/03/14 11:36h join_team  Yard (8245387)
10/03/14 11:38h leave_team  Yard (8245387)
10/03/14 11:52h join_team  Yard (8245387)
13/03/14 08:29h register_team  CantStopFeeding (8288607)
17/03/14 10:21h join_league  CIS League of Legends 1on1 Duel Cup #25
27/03/14 10:46h join_team  Deleted account (8303528)
04/04/14 16:56h team_kick  Yard (8245387) / by Deleted account (8114082)
04/04/14 18:03h team_kick  Deleted account (8303528) / by Cain (7951092)
10/05/14 04:34h wanna_join_league  CIS League of Legends 1on1 Random Team Cup #34 [not 1x1 cup] Registration
10/05/14 08:15h join_league  CIS League of Legends 1on1 Random Team Cup #34 [not 1x1 cup] Registration