L3nny_  id: 5993709
created Platform action
09/02/12 13:55h join_team  Vegeta teh fucking dbz player (6603247)
24/02/12 08:22h join_team  Venom (6600827)
08/03/12 13:22h team_kick  Venom (6600827) / by Deleted account (6135353)
28/04/12 10:37h register_team  NanoteH (6833890)
07/12/12 19:37h register_team  Dev!ls (7358848)
21/12/12 05:34h register_team  Deleted account (7389946)
21/12/12 05:35h register_team  Czech Academy of the Masters (7389947)
02/02/13 13:19h join_team  Deleted account (3412017)
13/02/13 06:55h join_team  vP haters zone (6243906)
23/02/13 19:07h join_team  SVEJK ESL squad (7390336)
23/02/13 19:07h join_team  SVEJK (7248590)
25/02/13 13:27h join_team  Deleted account (7541898)
29/05/13 11:42h join_team  creat1ve (7754012)
26/06/13 11:42h join_team  till hard carry (7807138)
10/07/13 07:08h join_team  A Tribute to Myth Academy (3263652)
11/10/13 13:16h join_team  Czech Republic (1592330)
15/02/14 07:59h team_kick  Deleted account (3412017) / by samix (1856293)
11/09/14 04:19h team_kick  vP haters zone (6243906) / by Deleted account (8365349)
20/11/14 17:04h team_kick  Czech Republic (1592330) / by samix (1856293)