created | Platform | action |
14/04/12 20:00h | first_login_default | |
18/06/12 17:14h | register_team Deleted account (6957706) | |
17/08/12 10:47h | first_login_esltv | |
03/12/12 15:38h | register_team Everybody loves Nutella (7348734) | |
07/12/12 13:57h | first_login_esltv | |
25/12/12 11:56h | leave_team Everybody loves Nutella (7348734) | |
18/01/13 16:52h | register_team Deleted account (7456174) | |
19/01/13 10:18h | first_login_eslworld | |
13/02/13 13:03h | first_login_esltv | |
19/03/13 16:18h | register_team Deleted account (7604408) | |
17/04/13 01:33h | team_kick Deleted account (7456174) / by Deleted account (5359567) | |
23/05/13 19:47h | join_team Panda Lovers eSports (7743222) | |
28/05/13 12:46h | wanna_join_league BUL League of Legends 1on1 Best Akali Bulgaria | |
28/05/13 17:19h | join_league BUL League of Legends 1on1 Best Akali Bulgaria | |
30/05/13 14:32h | leave_team Panda Lovers eSports (7743222) | |
28/08/13 05:57h | register_team Krisi Zdravei (7913522) | |
18/10/13 17:56h | join_team Live Learn (7999887) | |
04/12/13 11:17h | wanna_join_league BUL League of Legends GamingGear Challenge #1 | Квалификация | |
04/12/13 13:09h | join_league BUL League of Legends GamingGear Challenge #1 | Квалификация | |
05/12/13 10:48h | team_kick Live Learn (7999887) / by Deleted account (4652343) | |
19/12/13 18:48h | first_login_esltv | |
16/01/14 16:22h | wanna_join_league BUL League of Legends Kingston - Qualification #1 | |
16/01/14 18:08h | join_league BUL League of Legends Kingston - Qualification #1 | |
23/01/14 13:38h | wanna_join_league BUL League of Legends Kingston - Qualification #2 | |
24/01/14 08:14h | join_league BUL League of Legends Kingston - Qualification #2 | |
07/02/14 14:14h | wanna_join_league BUL League of Legends Game Ninja 1vs1 - Qualification #1 | |
08/02/14 02:39h | join_league BUL League of Legends Game Ninja 1vs1 - Qualification #1 | |
10/02/14 10:35h | wanna_join_league BUL League of Legends Game Ninja 1vs1 - Qualification #2 | |
10/02/14 11:43h | join_league BUL League of Legends Game Ninja 1vs1 - Qualification #2 | |
24/07/14 14:39h | wanna_join_league BUL League of Legends 1on1 Alienware Challenge Qualification 1 | |
24/07/14 14:47h | join_league BUL League of Legends 1on1 Alienware Challenge Qualification 1 | |
31/07/14 15:51h | wanna_join_league BUL League of Legends 1on1 Alienware Challenge Qualification 2 | |
01/08/14 07:13h | join_league BUL League of Legends 1on1 Alienware Challenge Qualification 2 | |
27/09/14 11:13h | join_team The Inner Legion (8639883) | |
26/10/14 10:09h | join_team Biskvitki Zakuska (7907702) | |
30/05/15 10:56h | join_team Petimata Priqteli (7457084) | |
27/06/15 10:49h | team_kick Petimata Priqteli (7457084) / by Deleted account (6443397) | |
25/07/15 08:00h | join_team Little Wabbits (8931927) | |
01/08/15 07:48h | leave_team Biskvitki Zakuska (7907702) | |
18/10/15 10:25h | join_team Team Soraka Solo Mid (6608320) | |
28/11/15 07:30h | join_team Biskvitki Zakuska (7907702) | |
16/01/16 09:12h | team_kick Biskvitki Zakuska (7907702) / by Voldimor (5273949) | |
16/01/16 10:11h | join_team nudespls (9761128) | |
16/01/16 10:13h | leave_team Team Soraka Solo Mid (6608320) | |
23/01/16 10:41h | join_team Chicho Misho & his Crew (7332394) | |
23/01/16 10:59h | join_team Biskvitki Zakuska (7907702) | |
27/01/16 13:45h | join_league ESL Play Hearthstone Fireside Gathering - Tavern Hero Bulgaria | |
06/02/16 11:04h | join_team Niki jivee vuv film ! (9520832) | |
11/08/16 10:36h | team_kick Niki jivee vuv film ! (9520832) / by Deleted account (8714354) | |
15/03/20 20:26h | team_kick The Inner Legion (8639883) / by Daemon (3) | |
15/03/20 20:26h | team_kick Krisi Zdravei (7913522) / by Daemon (3) | |
15/03/20 20:26h | team_kick Little Wabbits (8931927) / by Daemon (3) | |
15/03/20 20:26h | team_kick nudespls (9761128) / by Daemon (3) | |
15/03/20 20:26h | team_kick Chicho Misho & his Crew (7332394) / by Daemon (3) | |
15/03/20 20:26h | team_kick Biskvitki Zakuska (7907702) / by Daemon (3) |