created | Platform | action |
28/07/16 11:23h | register_team Dutchylivegaming (10315048) | |
28/07/16 11:34h | register_team Dutchylivegaming (10315074) | |
11/01/17 11:39h | join_team Swamp Donkeys (10808031) | |
11/01/17 13:07h | register_team SDKY (10829875) | |
12/01/17 13:39h | team_kick Swamp Donkeys (10808031) / by Deleted account (10808012) | |
23/07/17 11:51h | join_team Hero of Prejudice (9651537) | |
30/07/17 05:41h | team_kick Hero of Prejudice (9651537) / by arthainu (9280244) | |
27/08/18 06:27h | join_team NietBelangrijk (12774672) | |
05/09/18 12:03h | join_team Deleted account (12798657) | |
14/04/20 14:53h | join_team Join The Force 2 (15345949) | |
26/04/20 06:39h | join_team Cortex Dragons (14964003) | |
26/04/20 06:58h | join_team Deleted account (2977403) |