Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (10) Replay Archive (0) Awards (3) Contacts & Buddies (1) Rating Gameaccounts History Algirdas 'DaChosenOne' Gricius id: 6186682 created Platform action 03/11/11 11:55h join_team Deleted account (6332508) 03/11/11 12:00h leave_team Overextending with Pleasure (5638736) 06/11/11 15:36h wanna_join_league Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Clash of Legends #10 06/11/11 16:31h join_league Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Clash of Legends #10 20/11/11 07:22h join_team Deleted account (6376495) 24/11/11 16:52h join_team Facecheck to Win (6391339) 20/12/11 15:10h team_kick Facecheck to Win (6391339) / by Artello (5638730) 26/12/11 11:34h team_kick Deleted account (6332508) / by Deleted account (6329617) 08/01/12 03:13h team_kick Deleted account (6376495) / by Deleted account (5879691) 21/01/12 15:01h join_team Deleted account (6546311) 01/04/12 10:50h join_team Deleted account (6730513) 04/06/12 08:43h team_kick Deleted account (6730513) / by Deleted account (3710004) 01/07/12 09:11h join_team FiveSome (6864810) 01/07/12 12:17h team_kick FiveSome (6864810) / by Deleted account (6441356) 26/08/12 05:35h register_team myRevenge e.V. LT (7125361) 13/09/12 11:46h join_team Deleted account (7151783) 18/09/12 08:27h team_kick Deleted account (6546311) / by Deleted account (5960140) 18/09/12 09:37h join_team Seneliu Namu Vaikai (7178398) 14/10/12 08:58h join_team Bear Naked Ladies (7172864) 12/11/12 12:18h join_team McPipen Templars (7213838) 12/11/12 14:39h team_kick McPipen Templars (7213838) / by Deleted account (6732247) 07/12/12 15:26h first_login_eslworld 13/12/12 10:20h join_team We Shoot Laz0rs (7033736) 14/12/12 10:59h join_team Young Wolf Hatchlings (7324071) 16/12/12 14:55h first_login_esltv 21/12/12 11:11h team_kick Young Wolf Hatchlings (7324071) / by Deleted account (7026073) 28/12/12 08:25h team_kick We Shoot Laz0rs (7033736) / by Deleted account (7026073) 04/01/13 13:25h join_team xinoLith (7373496) 06/01/13 11:10h first_login_esltv 18/01/13 17:23h first_login_esltv 01/02/13 14:27h team_kick xinoLith (7373496) / by Deleted account (6747164) 10/02/13 14:42h join_team Ciulpk Bybasa (7499243) 15/02/13 14:58h leave_team Ciulpk Bybasa (7499243) 09/03/13 08:45h join_team Ciulpk Bybasa (7499243) 10/03/13 09:51h leave_team Ciulpk Bybasa (7499243) 17/03/13 09:44h team_kick Deleted account (7151783) / by Deleted account (6723526) 23/03/13 18:21h join_team myRevenge e.V. LT (7609026) 12/04/13 11:57h leave_team Bear Naked Ladies (7172864) 01/05/13 09:40h join_team myRevenge e.V. (2149201) 05/06/13 13:43h join_team Ciulpk Bybasa (7499243) 07/06/13 11:51h team_kick myRevenge e.V. LT (7125361) / by Artello (5638730) 22/06/13 19:15h register_team Just Like SoloQ (7800017) 27/10/13 11:58h join_team LP-Gaming (7825216) 29/10/13 08:33h join_team Elementorius. (7082060) 17/11/13 06:11h team_kick Elementorius. (7082060) / by Deleted account (6972473) 10/01/14 11:58h join_team Team Game Changers (7899867) 10/01/14 13:34h join_team Triumphant Gaming (7338724) 17/01/14 12:10h join_team LietuviaiLTU (8175491) 17/01/14 12:30h leave_team Triumphant Gaming (7338724) 08/02/14 12:14h join_team INVADERS.LoL (7443842) 28/03/14 13:20h join_team CLG EUNE (8241187) 29/03/14 10:14h first_login_esltv 20/04/14 11:22h first_login_america 10/02/17 10:03h join_team Baltic Rangers Squad (10935103) 30/04/17 07:37h join_team Lets Cmon (11254480) 09/12/17 17:07h join_team Deleted account (11972576) 14/01/18 08:33h join_team Desra ir Draugai (9687246) 05/04/18 06:44h join_team Tick Trick & Duck (11917720) 18/11/18 12:13h join_team MUSH (10083652) 03/02/19 08:28h join_team Kauno Svara (13254412) 06/03/23 12:14h team_kick CLG EUNE (8241187) / by Daemon (3) 06/03/23 12:14h team_kick LietuviaiLTU (8175491) / by Daemon (3) 06/03/23 12:14h team_kick Seneliu Namu Vaikai (7178398) / by Daemon (3) 06/03/23 12:14h team_kick INVADERS.LoL (7443842) / by Daemon (3) 06/03/23 12:14h team_kick MUSH (10083652) / by Daemon (3) 06/03/23 12:14h team_kick Just Like SoloQ (7800017) / by Daemon (3) 06/03/23 12:14h team_kick Ciulpk Bybasa (7499243) / by Daemon (3) 06/03/23 12:14h team_kick Kauno Svara (13254412) / by Daemon (3) 06/03/23 12:14h team_kick myRevenge e.V. (2149201) / by Daemon (3) 06/03/23 12:14h team_kick Baltic Rangers Squad (10935103) / by Daemon (3) 06/03/23 12:14h team_kick myRevenge e.V. LT (7609026) / by Daemon (3) 06/03/23 12:14h team_kick LP-Gaming (7825216) / by Daemon (3) 06/03/23 12:14h team_kick Team Game Changers (7899867) / by Daemon (3) 06/03/23 12:14h team_kick Lets Cmon (11254480) / by Daemon (3) 06/03/23 12:14h team_kick Desra ir Draugai (9687246) / by Daemon (3) 06/03/23 12:14h team_kick Tick Trick & Duck (11917720) / by Daemon (3)