created | Platform | action |
23/04/13 10:56h | join_team RetroGamerz (7685045) | |
10/10/13 15:16h | register_team Deleted account (7984523) | |
26/01/15 09:40h | join_team SUPERKIDS CSGO (8871200) | |
20/03/15 16:00h | register_team Deleted account (8989338) | |
17/09/15 15:05h | join_team TOP32 (9416517) | |
20/11/15 11:46h | join_team BENZIN (9565572) | |
11/03/17 12:29h | join_team WiLD MultiGaming (10647887) | |
23/08/17 10:55h | join_team Here To Win (11622862) | |
15/10/17 09:52h | join_team Deleted account (11813625) | |
05/05/18 09:35h | join_team Lino's Fans (12460496) | |
13/07/18 08:54h | join_team finGG (12635573) | |
24/08/18 10:16h | join_team Deleted account (12764679) | |
21/10/18 08:28h | team_kick Deleted account (12764679) / by StriKe (7757323) | |
11/12/18 16:21h | join_team Deleted account (13082761) | |
21/01/19 13:30h | team_kick Deleted account (13082761) / by Bone DaDDy (2206128) | |
03/02/19 08:32h | join_team Salamander GO4 (13077492) | |
14/04/19 08:30h | team_kick Salamander GO4 (13077492) / by StriKe (7757323) | |
05/05/19 07:09h | join_team Salamander GO4 (13077492) | |
22/07/19 17:06h | join_team Salamander (12893491) | |
16/08/19 12:55h | leave_team Here To Win (11622862) | |
16/08/19 12:56h | leave_team WiLD MultiGaming (10647887) | |
13/04/23 15:53h | join_team Spirit Gaming (17634718) |