created | Platform | action |
07/01/12 14:37h | join_team Psychokinese (6467426) | |
26/03/12 16:02h | leave_team Psychokinese (6467426) | |
01/04/12 07:32h | join_league Europe StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #186 (Sun 01.04.12) - Win €200 | |
05/05/12 13:36h | join_league Europe StarCraft II 1on1 Spring Cup #4 | |
07/05/12 13:27h | join_league Europe StarCraft II 1on1 Spring Cup #5 | |
10/05/12 11:32h | join_league Europe StarCraft II 1on1 Spring Cup #6 | |
10/05/12 11:32h | join_league Ger StarCraft II 1on1 Open Cup #349 (10.05.12) | |
11/05/12 14:43h | join_league Europe StarCraft II 1on1 Late Night Cup #89 | |
29/05/12 12:55h | join_league Ger StarCraft II 1on1 Open Cup #354 (29.05.12) | |
05/06/12 13:03h | join_league Ger StarCraft II 1on1 Open Cup #356 (05.06.12) | |
21/06/12 13:50h | join_league Ger StarCraft II 1on1 Open Cup #361 (21.06.12) | |
23/06/12 22:25h | join_league Europe StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #207 (Sun 24.06.12) - Win €200 | |
01/09/12 11:21h | first_login_esltv | |
23/12/12 07:22h | join_team FW Gaming y0 (7377988) | |
18/01/13 07:22h | first_login_esltv | |
20/01/13 07:39h | join_league Europe StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #261 - Win €200 (Sun 20.01.13) | |
20/01/13 08:07h | first_login_eslworld | |
28/01/13 08:33h | join_team Rewind and Revision (4413855) | |
28/01/13 08:34h | join_team RaR - StarCraft II (5203333) | |
28/01/13 08:35h | leave_team FW Gaming y0 (7377988) | |
10/03/13 15:50h | first_login_america | |
24/05/13 09:45h | leave_team RaR - StarCraft II (5203333) | |
24/05/13 09:45h | leave_team Rewind and Revision (4413855) | |
06/06/13 15:41h | join_team Team of Throws (7770046) | |
20/07/13 18:13h | join_team Deleted account (6010905) | |
21/09/13 11:46h | join_team Deleted account (7951206) | |
21/09/13 11:46h | join_team Deleted account (7951208) | |
21/09/13 11:47h | team_kick Deleted account (7951206) / by Gachabu (6010888) | |
21/09/13 11:48h | leave_team Team of Throws (7770046) | |
02/01/14 16:27h | team_kick Deleted account (7951208) / by Gachabu (6010888) | |
02/01/14 16:30h | team_kick Deleted account (6010905) / by Gachabu (6010888) | |
26/10/14 16:28h | first_login_consoles | |
02/05/15 18:15h | join_team Deleted account (9074796) | |
24/06/15 10:17h | increase_trustlevel 0 -> 1 | |
08/10/15 04:47h | team_kick Deleted account (9074796) / by God Blazeon (7746348) | |
06/03/16 07:39h | join_team MakiRoll Gaming (9753900) | |
10/03/16 15:17h | increase_trustlevel 1 (2018-06-23) -> 5 (2019-03-10) | |
22/06/16 08:37h | join_team Gamblers Gaming (10210296) | |
29/08/16 12:09h | join_team Ich und mein Holz (10446694) | |
05/09/16 13:19h | join_team BanKalistaOrAfk (10462552) | |
12/09/16 11:52h | join_team Memebois (10422536) | |
10/10/16 12:29h | team_kick Gamblers Gaming (10210296) / by Deleted account (8832250) | |
11/10/16 13:44h | join_team Run it down mid (10526467) | |
27/10/16 14:16h | join_team Banned from Swiss-Cup (10592250) | |
27/10/16 15:15h | leave_team Run it down mid (10526467) | |
27/10/16 15:16h | leave_team MakiRoll Gaming (9753900) | |
04/12/16 07:00h | join_team Gamblers Gaming go4lol (10727054) | |
19/12/16 13:39h | join_team Gamblers Gaming (10210296) | |
16/01/17 14:17h | leave_team Gamblers Gaming (10210296) | |
20/01/17 08:22h | leave_team BanKalistaOrAfk (10462552) | |
20/01/17 08:22h | leave_team Banned from Swiss-Cup (10592250) | |
20/01/17 08:22h | leave_team Gamblers Gaming go4lol (10727054) | |
20/01/17 08:22h | leave_team Memebois (10422536) | |
20/01/17 08:24h | leave_team Ich und mein Holz (10446694) | |
20/02/17 15:16h | join_team EnRo GRIFFINS LoL (10907499) | |
27/02/17 12:46h | join_team EnRo GRIFFINS Pro LoL (10874476) | |
02/03/17 10:48h | join_team EnRo GRIFFINS Go4LoL (10897001) | |
06/03/17 14:59h | team_kick EnRo GRIFFINS LoL (10907499) / by Deleted account (143721) | |
30/03/17 12:29h | leave_team EnRo GRIFFINS Go4LoL (10897001) | |
30/03/17 12:30h | leave_team EnRo GRIFFINS Pro LoL (10874476) | |
08/04/17 14:14h | join_team Deleted account (11165208) | |
24/04/17 08:48h | join_team EnRo GRIFFINS (11234004) | |
07/09/17 13:15h | leave_team Deleted account (11165208) | |
07/09/17 13:15h | leave_team EnRo GRIFFINS (11234004) | |
31/10/17 09:11h | join_team Fat Gingers (10250331) | |
06/12/17 16:24h | join_team Deleted account (11935545) | |
16/12/17 07:31h | join_team Fynneks Slaves XD (11989235) | |
12/01/18 10:04h | join_team WeSports LoL Project Paused (11013555) | |
17/01/18 17:19h | leave_team Fynneks Slaves XD (11989235) | |
17/01/18 17:19h | leave_team Deleted account (11935545) | |
09/06/18 08:37h | join_team Fat Gingers Blue (11748236) | |
18/08/18 15:36h | join_team Nah but (12748087) | |
19/09/18 14:38h | team_kick WeSports LoL Project Paused (11013555) / by Hyt3cfl0w (9050278) | |
01/10/18 13:16h | join_team eversity (11914898) | |
04/12/18 10:54h | leave_team eversity (11914898) | |
14/01/19 11:35h | join_team Invictius (9762436) | |
14/01/19 11:36h | leave_team Nah but (12748087) | |
15/01/19 10:33h | join_team Sangal Esports (12723964) | |
15/01/19 11:23h | team_kick Sangal Esports (12723964) / by Deleted account (8331134) | |
10/03/19 20:29h | decrease_trustlevel 5 -> 0 |