created | Platform | action |
25/11/03 14:45h | first_login | |
25/11/03 14:46h | join_league Ger Need For Speed: Underground 1on1 Ladder | |
25/11/03 17:28h | join_team Deleted account (572482) | |
15/12/03 17:25h | leave_league Ger Need For Speed: Underground 1on1 Circuit Ladder | |
30/01/04 12:04h | team_kick Deleted account (572482) / by Deleted account (-3) | |
22/02/04 15:44h | join_team sharKz (316355) | |
09/05/04 04:33h | team_kick sharKz (316355) | |
14/05/04 17:37h | register_team clanserver Gaming WC3 (803427) | |
26/05/04 11:46h | join_team association of invincible (469018) | |
03/09/04 13:59h | leave_team association of invincible (469018) | |
03/09/04 13:59h | leave_team clanserver Gaming WC3 (803427) | |
03/09/04 14:00h | join_team UTOPIANER (901477) | |
07/11/04 19:42h | join_team Nordrhein-Westfalen.Games OstWestfalenLippe (838584) | |
26/10/05 09:10h | join_team Forged Identities (1449988) | |
01/04/06 19:14h | team_kick Forged Identities (1449988) | |
27/07/06 08:09h | increase_trustlevel 0 -> 2 | |
01/09/06 11:39h | join_team Deleted account (1982899) | |
21/09/06 16:43h | join_team Deleted account (1741709) | |
21/09/06 16:44h | leave_team Deleted account (1982899) | |
25/09/06 14:31h | team_kick Deleted account (1741709) | |
27/06/07 15:17h | join_team Competo (679579) | |
18/08/07 13:47h | leave_team Nordrhein-Westfalen.Games OstWestfalenLippe (838584) | |
18/08/07 13:52h | register_team Lippe Warcraft 3 (2670484) | |
23/08/07 19:04h | first_login_jufo | |
26/10/07 08:36h | team_kick Competo (679579) | |
01/12/07 13:36h | first_login_esltv | |
24/07/08 21:53h | decrease_trustlevel 2 -> 0 | |
07/03/10 14:38h | join_team UnCut.BF4 (4298492) | |
07/03/10 21:02h | join_team UnCut. eSports (3988894) | |
21/05/10 06:04h | join_team UnCut.BC2.INF (3059614) | |
12/11/10 15:10h | join_team UnCut.COD7 (3253982) | |
18/11/10 18:37h | join_team Deleted account (2977403) | |
18/11/10 19:00h | leave_team Deleted account (2977403) | |
21/11/10 12:10h | join_team 4 Lustigen 5 xD (5460127) | |
12/12/10 12:42h | leave_team 4 Lustigen 5 xD (5460127) | |
14/12/10 12:29h | join_team Jackson 2 (5510959) | |
14/12/10 17:57h | leave_team UnCut.BC2.INF (3059614) | |
21/04/11 16:37h | wanna_join_league Ger Testing Area Versus Access | |
21/04/11 17:21h | join_league Ger Testing Area Versus Access | |
25/09/12 17:12h | join_team Deleted account (7155527) | |
09/10/12 10:21h | increase_trustlevel 0 (2009-07-24) -> 5 (2015-10-09) | |
28/10/12 13:02h | join_team Deleted account (7259768) | |
12/11/12 16:11h | join_team restrealitaet (5180282) | |
25/11/12 09:10h | leave_team restrealitaet (5180282) | |
09/02/13 05:30h | team_kick Deleted account (7259768) / by DAN (763225) | |
17/11/13 08:35h | join_team nnnnn (7996879) | |
02/02/14 16:36h | team_kick nnnnn (7996879) / by Deleted account (7205783) | |
09/10/15 21:06h | decrease_trustlevel 5 -> 0 | |
18/10/15 13:37h | join_team BÄRENSTARK 3on3 (5096797) | |
01/08/16 14:06h | join_team InnerSphere OW High Ground (10113393) | |
20/11/16 18:11h | leave_team InnerSphere OW High Ground (10113393) | |
21/01/17 13:53h | join_team Deleted account (10869460) | |
21/01/17 13:58h | join_team Deleted account (10869489) | |
21/01/17 13:58h | leave_team Deleted account (10869460) | |
29/03/17 12:37h | team_kick Deleted account (10869489) / by Deleted account (9765155) |