created | Platform | action |
29/01/12 09:10h | first_login_default | |
29/01/12 10:25h | join_team My Way to Rage (6568368) | |
04/02/12 07:30h | first_login_esltv | |
10/03/12 13:05h | leave_team My Way to Rage (6568368) | |
18/03/12 06:55h | join_team Asgard Go4lol (6730433) | |
18/03/12 06:56h | first_login_esltv | |
18/03/12 07:42h | join_team SoloGaming (6422618) | |
18/03/12 07:42h | team_kick Asgard Go4lol (6730433) / by Pinguin (5735526) | |
19/03/12 12:11h | team_kick SoloGaming (6422618) / by Pinguin (5735526) | |
10/06/12 09:11h | join_team European Titans (6395757) | |
24/06/12 07:37h | join_team Deleted account (6973875) | |
01/07/12 14:08h | team_kick European Titans (6395757) / by faky (4332026) | |
01/07/12 14:11h | join_team Deleted account (6991657) | |
01/07/12 14:11h | join_team Deleted account (5471951) | |
08/07/12 07:40h | join_team no homo (7004812) | |
23/08/12 13:24h | team_kick Deleted account (6973875) / by Deleted account (1908892) | |
09/09/12 05:25h | join_team somalian pirates1 (7055221) | |
11/09/12 14:38h | join_team Deleted account (7165235) | |
02/01/13 12:52h | team_kick Deleted account (7165235) / by Deleted account (3179525) | |
19/01/13 13:41h | first_login_esltv | |
20/01/13 07:10h | join_team toxic players (7461774) | |
22/01/13 10:25h | team_kick Deleted account (6991657) / by Angel-Nightgirl (1194571) | |
06/03/13 08:41h | first_login_esltv | |
10/03/13 06:46h | join_team Weird Awesome Team (7581144) | |
14/04/13 07:35h | join_team swaglizard (7634498) | |
22/04/13 12:51h | join_team Deleted account (7683640) | |
13/05/13 11:33h | team_kick Deleted account (5471951) / by z00ie (1018644) | |
02/06/13 13:00h | join_team ESC Gaming (5905153) | |
02/06/13 13:07h | leave_team toxic players (7461774) | |
02/06/13 13:07h | leave_team swaglizard (7634498) | |
02/06/13 13:08h | leave_team ESC Gaming (5905153) | |
02/06/13 13:09h | join_team ESC Gaming (5905153) | |
02/06/13 13:13h | leave_team no homo (7004812) | |
02/06/13 13:13h | leave_team Weird Awesome Team (7581144) | |
02/06/13 13:13h | leave_team Deleted account (7683640) | |
11/06/13 11:00h | increase_trustlevel 0 -> 1 | |
14/06/13 04:13h | increase_trustlevel 1 -> 3 | |
28/06/13 15:15h | first_login_esltv | |
21/07/13 07:32h | join_team Kim Jong (7850320) | |
28/07/13 07:19h | first_login_eslworld | |
28/07/13 07:20h | join_team Deleted account (7359109) | |
18/08/13 07:17h | register_team MyWayToRage (7896865) | |
23/08/13 11:44h | first_login_esltv | |
01/09/13 06:04h | join_team TeamSoloPlayers (7920427) | |
15/09/13 10:20h | leave_team Kim Jong (7850320) | |
08/10/13 07:43h | team_kick ESC Gaming (5905153) / by Deleted account (4240464) | |
08/10/13 15:43h | join_team peculiar gaming e. V. (5741004) | |
09/10/13 15:47h | first_login_esltv | |
17/11/13 06:40h | join_team Aria eSports (8060246) | |
06/12/13 18:28h | team_kick Deleted account (7359109) / by Deleted account (7298551) | |
07/12/13 15:43h | team_kick Aria eSports (8060246) / by Deleted account (6590749) | |
08/12/13 08:15h | join_team Aria eSports (8060246) | |
15/12/13 06:59h | team_kick Aria eSports (8060246) / by Deleted account (6590749) | |
05/01/14 07:52h | join_team Deleted account (7359109) | |
05/01/14 07:59h | leave_team TeamSoloPlayers (7920427) | |
05/01/14 08:00h | leave_team peculiar gaming e. V. (5741004) | |
05/01/14 08:01h | leave_team MyWayToRage (7896865) | |
07/01/14 17:04h | team_kick somalian pirates1 (7055221) / by johNNy (3761293) | |
01/02/14 11:47h | join_team be.inSide e.V. (7926986) | |
01/02/14 17:29h | join_team be.inSide e.V. LoL Cup (7991165) | |
20/04/14 07:41h | join_team Celadon Sports (8077457) | |
12/06/14 10:48h | join_team Warding the Backyard (8458739) | |
12/06/14 12:09h | leave_team be.inSide e.V. LoL Cup (7991165) | |
12/06/14 12:10h | first_login_esltv | |
12/06/14 12:13h | leave_team be.inSide e.V. (7926986) | |
25/09/14 17:03h | join_team Black Turtle Gaming (8315461) | |
03/02/15 13:59h | team_kick Black Turtle Gaming (8315461) / by Deleted account (1932690) | |
22/02/15 08:30h | join_team Lets Play Games e.V. (8857807) | |
03/04/15 10:02h | join_team Lets Play Games e.V. (9016107) | |
07/06/16 21:02h | decrease_trustlevel 3 -> 0 | |
04/07/16 17:34h | team_kick Deleted account (7359109) / by Deleted account (7298551) | |
22/12/16 17:08h | first_login_sm | |
28/12/23 17:24h | team_kick Lets Play Games e.V. (8857807) / by Daemon (3) | |
28/12/23 17:24h | team_kick Warding the Backyard (8458739) / by Daemon (3) | |
28/12/23 17:24h | team_kick Celadon Sports (8077457) / by Daemon (3) | |
28/12/23 17:24h | team_kick Lets Play Games e.V. (9016107) / by Daemon (3) |