created | Platform | action |
30/01/12 03:14h | first_login_default | |
30/01/12 04:42h | first_login_america | |
30/01/12 04:53h | wanna_join_league USA League of Legends 1on1 Ladder | |
30/01/12 07:35h | join_league USA League of Legends 1on1 Ladder | |
26/02/12 18:22h | kicked_from_league_ac USA League of Legends 1on1 Ladder | |
06/03/12 03:23h | first_login_esltv | |
04/05/12 12:48h | join_team FarmTT (6526367) | |
09/12/12 07:47h | join_team (7362542) | |
03/02/13 05:37h | join_team DoubleBoubleTrouble (6266366) | |
16/06/13 07:55h | join_team POLUSTVOLKA (7787937) | |
22/06/13 08:48h | join_team Freljord Soul (7798585) | |
06/07/13 09:16h | team_kick POLUSTVOLKA (7787937) / by Deleted account (6526326) | |
07/07/13 10:06h | join_team POLUSTVOLKA (7787937) | |
20/10/13 08:47h | join_team pe4al (8003116) | |
29/11/13 09:57h | join_team Siege Engine (7989138) | |
15/12/13 08:52h | team_kick POLUSTVOLKA (7787937) / by Deleted account (6526326) | |
24/12/13 07:48h | team_kick Siege Engine (7989138) / by Deleted account (7445832) | |
10/01/14 11:04h | join_team Siege Engine (7989138) | |
02/02/14 08:35h | join_team Another Way Out (8190897) | |
28/03/14 11:26h | team_kick Another Way Out (8190897) / by Deleted account (7445832) | |
11/04/14 17:40h | team_kick Siege Engine (7989138) / by Deleted account (7445832) | |
24/04/14 18:07h | team_kick DoubleBoubleTrouble (6266366) / by Deleted account (5501118) | |
31/05/14 20:00h | join_team Invictus Familiae (8438488) | |
15/06/14 05:59h | join_team Maloi krasava (8435173) | |
22/06/14 09:24h | register_team Maloi eSports (8475955) | |
20/07/14 12:10h | join_team JIGULEVSKOE (8459293) | |
25/07/14 11:31h | join_team Cerebral Infantile Sharks (8293589) | |
15/08/14 10:52h | team_kick Cerebral Infantile Sharks (8293589) / by Deleted account (7374321) | |
25/10/14 15:21h | join_team Trinity World (8546454) | |
11/11/14 12:00h | team_kick Trinity World (8546454) / by Fomko (5484523) | |
16/11/14 12:12h | team_kick JIGULEVSKOE (8459293) / by Deleted account (7798773) | |
11/12/14 09:47h | join_team Pestrunishka (8790948) | |
10/05/15 11:54h | wanna_join_league ESL Play MKX (PC) 1on1 Season Week #3 CIS | |
10/05/15 11:57h | join_league ESL Play MKX (PC) 1on1 Season Week #3 CIS | |
10/05/15 12:42h | wanna_join_league ESL Play MKX (PC) 1on1 Season Week #3 CIS | |
10/05/15 12:43h | join_league ESL Play MKX (PC) 1on1 Season Week #3 CIS | |
13/09/15 10:53h | join_team BEARIX - HotS (8956273) | |
25/09/15 13:56h | join_team Forehead (9257258) | |
27/09/15 11:42h | team_kick BEARIX - HotS (8956273) / by Deleted account (6786981) | |
16/10/15 10:12h | join_team Red Dragon (9490089) | |
27/12/15 09:59h | join_team BHGaming (9568927) | |
03/01/16 09:58h | join_team JA (9260796) | |
24/01/16 09:50h | team_kick JA (9260796) / by stalkeba (5812364) | |
22/03/16 10:59h | join_team limitless (9981379) | |
06/05/16 13:14h | join_team razdvatrichetiri (9671322) | |
04/09/16 09:13h | join_team Deleted account (9900479) | |
07/09/16 15:42h | team_kick Deleted account (9900479) / by Deleted account (9109497) | |
09/09/16 15:38h | join_team Vodka Paradise (10460363) | |
18/09/16 07:44h | join_team JA (9260796) | |
20/10/16 11:15h | join_team Marschrutka eSports (10550977) | |
10/11/16 10:43h | leave_team JA (9260796) | |
12/03/17 10:53h | team_kick Forehead (9257258) / by Lunarn (6150137) | |
07/05/17 08:39h | join_team Neveroyatniy Nice Luck sooqa (11280422) | |
21/05/17 09:57h | join_team sneGIR (11041164) | |
02/12/17 13:28h | join_team Friends Global Challenge (11948686) | |
14/01/18 09:31h | join_team MANS NOT HOT (12063318) | |
21/01/18 04:07h | join_team Legalize Peacebloom (12093400) |