Attila 'Eretnek' Ganyu  id: 6577791
created Platform action
01/02/12 10:36h first_login_default 
01/02/12 10:39h register_team  ELITGAMERS Multigaming (6577943)
05/02/12 20:01h first_login_america 
12/02/12 20:54h first_login_esltv 
14/02/12 12:32h first_login_eslworld 
01/03/12 12:27h first_login_esltv 
18/07/12 09:33h join_team  Trudna Sprawa (6960225)
22/09/12 09:29h join_team  Deleted account (7179405)
22/09/12 16:30h register_team  Clueless Gaming (7187602)
01/10/12 15:27h team_kick  Deleted account (7179405) / by Deleted account (6129405)
25/01/13 14:51h leave_team  Clueless Gaming (7187602)
25/01/13 14:51h leave_team  ELITGAMERS Multigaming (6577943)
25/01/13 14:52h register_team  Deleted account (7477193)
10/02/13 07:26h join_team  The Hungarian Enemy (6908952)
23/02/13 07:32h join_team  Dream Death Team (5839952)
23/02/13 07:38h register_team  Dream Death Team.CSGO (7547019)
18/03/13 16:35h join_team  ESL Hungary (2173870)
18/03/13 18:52h leave_team  The Hungarian Enemy (6908952)
12/06/13 13:52h join_team  hunblahup12 (7780812)
31/07/13 19:18h join_team  Team Tidal Wave (6887495)
25/10/13 12:16h leave_team  hunblahup12 (7780812)
06/01/14 18:15h leave_team  Trudna Sprawa (6960225)
11/01/14 10:27h register_team  Team Tidal Wave.CoD2 (8163500)
11/01/14 10:34h leave_team  Dream Death Team.CSGO (7547019)
11/01/14 10:34h leave_team  Dream Death Team (5839952)
30/04/14 06:37h register_team  kacaJ Team (8375066)
04/09/14 12:00h join_team  bez nazwy (8489831)
26/10/14 19:02h join_team  Best Admin Duo (8691266)
03/11/14 09:17h leave_team  Team Tidal Wave.CoD2 (8163500)
03/11/14 09:17h leave_team  bez nazwy (8489831)
27/02/15 18:37h join_league  ESL Play Staffcup 2015 #2 - Haxball
26/04/15 07:39h join_league  ESL Play Staffcup 2015 #4 - Yatzy
26/04/15 07:40h join_league  ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 GameIntegration Test #3
26/04/15 07:45h join_league  ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 GameIntegration Test #2
28/04/15 14:05h register_team  Never Lucky (9074531)
22/05/15 13:50h join_league  ESL Play Intern Staffcup 2015 #5 - Hearthstone
14/09/15 15:26h join_team  CSGO HU Admin Teszt (9414523)
05/10/15 12:10h increase_trustlevel  0 -> 1
18/08/16 10:43h team_kick  CSGO HU Admin Teszt (9414523) / by wAs (4921711)
04/01/18 12:11h team_kick  ESL Hungary (2173870) / by wAs (4921711)
30/09/18 19:48h decrease_trustlevel  1 -> 0