gul4sh  id: 6619569
created Platform action
12/02/12 16:42h first_login_default 
22/02/12 16:27h join_team  CS Army NEON (6474467)
25/09/12 10:08h join_team  CS Army NEON (7033796)
24/11/12 05:36h first_login_esltv 
18/02/13 11:57h join_team  CS Army NEON (7489508)
25/02/13 11:10h team_kick  CS Army NEON (7489508) / by Andrej_Kalinin (6325047)
25/02/13 11:17h join_team  CS Army NEON (7531514)
04/03/13 10:55h join_team  CS Army NEON (7489508)
06/04/13 11:06h team_kick  CS Army NEON (7489508) / by Andrej_Kalinin (6325047)
31/05/13 14:56h join_team  CS Army NEON (7453061)
01/07/13 13:48h first_login_esltv 
14/07/13 12:35h join_team  CS Army NEON (7489508)
20/07/13 08:33h team_kick  CS Army NEON (7489508) / by Deleted account (6743296)
25/07/13 08:57h wanna_join_league  CZSK World of Tanks 1on1 Heavy Cup 1
25/07/13 13:37h join_league  CZSK World of Tanks 1on1 Heavy Cup 1
03/08/13 11:11h leave_team  CS Army NEON (7531514)
03/08/13 12:09h leave_team  CS Army NEON (7453061)
03/08/13 12:09h leave_team  CS Army NEON (7033796)
03/08/13 15:19h register_team  Deleted account (7872185)
03/08/13 15:27h register_team  CARBON ESL (7872194)
03/08/13 15:27h register_team  CARBON One (7872196)
09/08/13 11:29h wanna_join_league  CZSK World of Tanks 1on1 Heavy Cup 2
09/08/13 11:30h join_league  CZSK World of Tanks 1on1 Heavy Cup 2
10/08/13 10:24h join_team  CS Army NEON (7140188)
31/10/13 10:59h wanna_join_league  CZSK World of Tanks 1on1 Halloween Cup 2013
31/10/13 11:58h join_league  CZSK World of Tanks 1on1 Halloween Cup 2013
22/11/13 11:17h wanna_join_league  CZSK World of Tanks 1on1 Heavy Cup 9
22/11/13 11:17h join_league  CZSK World of Tanks 1on1 Heavy Cup 9
05/12/13 11:51h wanna_join_league  CZSK World of Tanks 1on1 Heavy Cup 10
05/12/13 16:00h join_league  CZSK World of Tanks 1on1 Heavy Cup 10
06/12/13 11:42h wanna_join_league  CZSK World of Tanks 1on1 Heavy Cup 10
06/12/13 11:43h join_league  CZSK World of Tanks 1on1 Heavy Cup 10
12/01/14 12:22h team_kick  CS Army NEON (6474467) / by Andrej_Kalinin (6325047)
18/01/14 10:33h team_kick  CS Army NEON (7140188) / by Deleted account (6743296)
16/02/14 17:11h wanna_join_league  Europe World of Tanks 1on1 ESL Series
16/02/14 17:54h join_league  Europe World of Tanks 1on1 ESL Series
18/03/14 14:57h join_team  CS Army NEON (6474467)
23/09/14 13:56h join_team  CS Army NEON (8634775)
28/09/14 11:49h join_team  Deleted account (8620841)
18/11/14 12:01h join_team  CS Army NEON (7489508)
07/12/14 07:43h team_kick  Deleted account (8620841) / by Deleted account (6743296)
07/02/15 11:20h team_kick  CS Army NEON (7489508) / by Andrej_Kalinin (6325047)
10/02/15 11:44h register_team  Deleted account (8904773)
10/02/15 11:56h register_team  TopKek (8904815)
10/02/15 11:57h join_team  Only One Egg (8904802)
10/02/15 12:00h register_team  Hue Hue Br Br (8904823)
31/03/15 12:09h join_team  CS Army NEON (7489508)
26/05/15 10:58h team_kick  CS Army NEON (7489508) / by Andrej_Kalinin (6325047)
18/09/15 15:11h join_team  Deleted account (9410432)
05/03/16 12:46h team_kick  Deleted account (9410432) / by jckl (1233459)
24/11/23 06:47h team_kick  CS Army NEON (8634775) / by Daemon (3)
24/11/23 06:47h team_kick  CARBON One (7872196) / by Daemon (3)
24/11/23 06:47h team_kick  CARBON ESL (7872194) / by Daemon (3)
24/11/23 06:47h team_kick  CS Army NEON (6474467) / by Daemon (3)
24/11/23 06:47h team_kick  TopKek (8904815) / by Daemon (3)
24/11/23 06:47h team_kick  Hue Hue Br Br (8904823) / by Daemon (3)
24/11/23 06:47h team_kick  Only One Egg (8904802) / by Daemon (3)