Zolu  id: 682237
created Platform action
16/01/04 11:39h first_login 
16/01/04 11:43h join_team  R.I.P. E S L (681889)
06/08/04 08:59h join_team  teh importance of pRonZ (889216)
21/05/05 12:45h team_kick  R.I.P. E S L (681889) / by (4-)
16/08/05 12:58h join_team  J4F-Dod B-team (1376895)
03/05/06 10:32h join_team  TechnoBase.FM (1812858)
26/10/06 07:13h join_team  TechnoBase.FM (2104605)
05/03/08 08:36h increase_trustlevel  0 -> 1
05/03/08 08:37h increase_trustlevel  1 -> 2
25/03/08 14:22h join_team  TechnoBase.FM Gaming (3134387)
25/03/08 14:24h join_team  TechnoBase.FM Gaming (3135538)
24/02/10 12:30h join_team  the puppeteers (4845920)
26/02/10 08:31h join_team  PODBOT (4756916)
28/02/10 22:20h decrease_trustlevel  2 -> 0
14/06/10 10:39h first_login_esltv 
18/07/12 04:56h team_kick  SireX (3270621) / by Deleted account (2438396)
23/08/12 15:51h join_team  R.I.P. E S L (681889)
31/08/12 19:29h decrease_trustlevel  5 -> 0
18/09/13 12:38h register_team  Die Twincables (7948419)
27/12/17 12:36h join_team  ChaosTurtles (12015679)