Jekyll  id: 6837148
created Platform action
29/04/12 12:17h first_login_default 
29/04/12 12:20h register_team  Deleted account (6837161)
29/04/12 13:22h register_team  Deleted account (6837404)
11/08/12 16:12h join_team  Armordildo (7087399)
12/08/12 11:08h first_login_esltv 
15/08/12 14:17h first_login_esltv 
22/09/12 15:38h register_team  FeW GamerS.LoL (7187452)
30/09/12 10:07h first_login_esltv 
01/11/12 13:48h first_login_esltv 
05/12/12 13:42h first_login_esltv 
05/12/12 13:42h first_login_esltv 
03/03/13 13:26h first_login_esltv 
09/03/13 13:36h join_team  Deal with it.LoL (6362587)
26/03/13 16:42h join_team  OV.Gunrunners AOC (6753587)
12/05/13 06:49h first_login_esltv 
17/07/13 14:44h join_team  iNfernity Gaming (6861751)
20/11/13 10:19h leave_team  OV.Gunrunners AOC (6753587)
20/11/13 10:28h join_team  Citrons Gaming (8066095)
30/11/13 14:15h join_team  OV.Gunrunners AOC (6753587)
23/12/13 18:50h team_kick  OV.Gunrunners AOC (6753587) / by Eze (3588620)
28/12/13 15:13h join_team  eEriness E-Blue (8135090)
10/01/14 10:57h team_kick  eEriness E-Blue (8135090) / by Deleted account (6985458)
19/01/14 10:06h join_team  Esitova noha (7134813)
08/02/14 15:16h join_team  ENSOX (7896449)
01/03/14 11:54h team_kick  ENSOX (7896449) / by Deleted account (6252515)
15/03/14 16:16h join_team  Freshsterious (8288102)
23/03/14 05:09h join_team  Doge Riders (8307783)
27/03/14 12:32h first_login_esltv 
20/04/14 08:38h leave_team  Doge Riders (8307783)
20/04/14 08:39h leave_team  Esitova noha (7134813)
20/04/14 08:47h join_team  eSuba.INTEL (8229246)
11/07/14 11:05h join_team  Team of Senpais (8507484)
21/07/14 09:39h team_kick  Freshsterious (8288102) / by Deleted account (7035419)
18/08/14 13:16h join_team  Deleted account (8575795)
04/09/14 09:23h team_kick  Deleted account (8575795) / by Deleted account (8509477)
09/10/14 17:02h register_team  eEriness.Seasonic (8662120)
16/10/14 10:18h join_team  Freshsterious (8288102)
26/10/14 11:24h first_login_esltv 
18/03/15 12:38h join_team  Inside Games.HotS (8856225)
23/04/15 11:30h team_kick  eEriness.Seasonic (8662120) / by Deleted account (7035419)
23/04/15 11:50h team_kick  Freshsterious (8288102) / by Deleted account (7035419)
28/06/15 07:44h join_team  Freshsterious (8288102)
22/12/16 16:01h first_login_sm 
23/12/16 03:50h first_login_sm 
20/10/17 12:57h join_team  Deleted account (11832453)
26/12/17 06:18h join_team  Jekyho harém (12012796)
08/07/18 07:55h join_team  E-RIVALS (12581674)
04/11/18 07:00h join_team  E-RIVALS (12976482)
12/11/18 09:07h join_team  JozkoNohavica (13000115)
18/11/18 06:58h join_team  Deleted account (13019011)
20/01/19 07:36h join_team  Nevim no (13203813)
12/04/19 07:50h join_team  Vikingekrig Esports (13592059)
14/04/19 17:39h register_team  Insert Name Here (13602331)
09/06/19 06:03h join_team  eXtatus (13780609)
23/06/19 07:39h join_team  Team Slow (13817856)
05/09/22 08:18h join_team  Team NO TØXIC (17573716)