KonikGaB  id: 6841956
created Platform action
01/05/12 08:21h first_login_default 
01/05/12 08:21h join_team  Fanatic Elite Assault Regiment (6840280)
02/06/12 12:02h register_team  KGB Team (6917484)
02/06/12 12:09h leave_team  Fanatic Elite Assault Regiment (6840280)
02/06/12 12:48h wanna_join_league  Europe World of Tanks 1on1 Heavy Tanks
02/06/12 12:50h join_league  Europe World of Tanks 1on1 Heavy Tanks
14/07/12 19:31h inactivity_kick  Europe World of Tanks 1on1 Heavy Tanks
13/10/12 10:59h join_team  Deleted account (7189228)
10/12/12 13:15h join_team  Psycho Squirrels (7366002)
18/01/13 10:51h first_login_esltv 
25/01/13 14:59h join_team  Deleted account (7474817)
27/01/13 08:39h join_team  STOP Clan Team 7 vs 7 (7479421)
29/01/13 13:00h team_kick  Deleted account (7189228) / by Deleted account (6405163)
08/04/13 12:30h team_kick  STOP Clan Team 7 vs 7 (7479421) / by Deleted account (6238101)
08/04/13 12:35h team_kick  Deleted account (7474817) / by Deleted account (6238101)
08/04/13 12:38h team_kick  Psycho Squirrels (7366002) / by Deleted account (6238101)
21/05/13 05:37h join_team  sFEARy (7729411)
21/05/13 05:37h register_team  Deleted account (7738995)
21/05/13 05:40h join_team  FEAR 3vs3 team 1 (7729376)
02/11/13 09:46h register_team  FEAR 1st Squadron (8027947)
25/05/14 07:57h join_team  aVAV - a Verbis ad Verbera (7150547)
27/05/14 15:10h team_kick  aVAV - a Verbis ad Verbera (7150547) / by Deleted account (6798834)