Qunik  id: 6851285
created Platform action
05/05/12 13:04h first_login_default 
05/05/12 13:06h join_team  Deleted account (6686710)
15/05/12 12:38h first_login_esltv 
17/05/12 10:08h first_login_esltv 
03/06/12 14:15h leave_team  Deleted account (6686710)
26/11/12 06:50h first_login_eslworld 
09/12/12 07:29h join_team  Pollish Tactics Team (7106983)
23/12/12 11:05h register_team  Deleted account (7395397)
12/01/13 15:54h first_login_esltv 
19/01/13 11:46h first_login_esltv 
06/03/13 11:34h first_login_esltv 
22/04/13 06:40h team_kick  Pollish Tactics Team (7106983) / by Deleted account (7232179)
11/08/13 05:49h register_team  Deleted account (7884192)
11/08/13 05:49h register_team  Deleted account (7884193)
24/11/13 14:14h first_login_esltv 
14/02/14 12:50h register_team  Deleted account (8236895)
17/02/14 12:24h register_team  Deleted account (8243440)
01/03/14 12:35h wanna_join_league  POL Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft IEM Poland Pierwszy turniej
01/03/14 13:07h join_league  POL Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft IEM Poland Pierwszy turniej
09/03/14 11:55h first_login_esltv 
03/08/14 18:14h first_login_esltv 
12/10/14 08:38h register_team  Deleted account (8666259)
12/10/14 09:18h first_login_esltv 
09/04/16 07:33h wanna_join_league  ESL Play LoL 1on1 Lore Games #3 Poland
09/04/16 07:41h join_league  ESL Play LoL 1on1 Lore Games #3 Poland
13/04/16 10:43h register_team  Kolejarze (10037489)
07/09/16 11:08h register_team  Pale wapierza do nosa (10466010)
31/10/16 08:54h leave_team  Pale wapierza do nosa (10466010)
31/10/16 09:13h register_team  Biedne Cebulki (10611377)
12/11/16 08:15h join_team  Polska Walczaca (10659999)
16/11/16 11:42h join_team  Deleted account (10673578)
30/11/16 11:29h join_league  ESL Play LoL EU Nordic & East 1on1 Proving Grounds #242
30/11/16 12:52h join_league  ESL Play LoL EU Nordic & East 1on1 Proving Grounds #242
14/01/17 09:31h team_kick  Polska Walczaca (10659999) / by Deleted account (9896473)