Furkan 'Fegro' Öksüzoğlu  id: 6934729
created Platform action
09/06/12 09:16h first_login_default 
02/07/12 04:01h join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Proving Grounds #1
02/07/12 04:01h join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Proving Grounds #1
30/07/12 23:39h first_login_america 
30/07/12 23:39h first_login_america 
12/08/12 11:07h first_login_esltv 
06/10/12 05:17h first_login_esltv 
18/01/13 11:22h first_login_esltv 
18/02/13 14:25h first_login_eslworld 
02/03/13 06:36h join_team  Team Amor Amarth (7555686)
07/03/13 06:51h first_login_esltv 
26/04/13 13:13h register_team  Deleted account (7690422)
26/04/13 14:01h leave_team  Team Amor Amarth (7555686)
05/07/13 14:45h join_team  Crimson Wild (7823547)
09/09/13 11:13h leave_team  Crimson Wild (7823547)
10/09/13 19:17h register_team  Big Plays Incorporated Fire (7935998)
28/01/14 11:11h leave_team  Big Plays Incorporated Fire (7935998)
28/01/14 11:17h wanna_join_league  TUR Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft Beta Cup #1
28/01/14 11:32h join_league  TUR Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft Beta Cup #1
15/02/14 15:10h join_team  Gum Faction (8239426)
07/03/14 15:48h join_team  ResurrectedS (8230777)
08/03/14 15:08h leave_team  Gum Faction (8239426)
15/03/14 14:38h team_kick  ResurrectedS (8230777) / by Squi (7734182)
15/03/14 18:34h join_team  PlanB Gaming (8293728)
29/03/14 09:54h team_kick  PlanB Gaming (8293728) / by Deleted account (7713548)
12/04/14 16:38h join_team  Deleted account (8342189)
16/04/14 15:34h team_kick  Deleted account (8342189) / by Deleted account (8020804)
10/06/14 09:41h join_team  Susadiysan Alex Ich Gaming (8455154)
20/09/14 15:21h join_team  One Division (8474659)
21/09/14 06:36h team_kick  One Division (8474659) / by Squi (7734182)
11/10/14 14:32h join_team  One Division (8474659)
11/10/14 14:35h leave_team  Susadiysan Alex Ich Gaming (8455154)
11/01/15 07:41h join_team  RONIN Five (8130101)
21/02/15 05:44h wanna_join_league  ESL Play 1on1 Baze Topluluk Turnuvası #3 Turkey
21/02/15 06:19h join_league  ESL Play 1on1 Baze Topluluk Turnuvası #3 Turkey
30/05/15 14:44h join_team  Allah Yolunda Espor (9143044)
11/07/15 13:31h join_team  Dirilis (8280677)
11/07/15 13:31h leave_team  RONIN Five (8130101)
22/12/15 23:03h join_team  Efeler (9694249)
09/02/17 18:33h join_team  ADU Huriler (10933634)