MiddleE4st  id: 6980164
created Platform action
26/06/12 17:09h first_login_default 
26/06/12 17:13h join_team  Eternal Attax (6978534)
22/07/12 09:22h join_team  XENSiDE (7033401)
22/07/12 09:24h leave_team  Eternal Attax (6978534)
22/07/12 10:47h team_kick  XENSiDE (7033401) / by Deleted account (7019303)
12/08/12 08:02h join_team  Road To Viktory (7083737)
28/09/12 13:33h join_team  TheGamingPunks (7197132)
28/09/12 13:33h leave_team  Road To Viktory (7083737)
09/12/12 15:45h join_team  Suspect X (7361992)
16/12/12 08:20h team_kick  Suspect X (7361992) / by Deleted account (7250496)
25/01/13 12:50h join_team  Better Nerf Akali (7476329)
24/02/13 08:02h register_team  Expert Bots (7550029)
27/05/13 10:12h join_team  Deleted account (7750159)
16/06/13 09:48h join_team  Deleted account (7158496)
30/06/13 07:12h team_kick  Deleted account (7158496) / by Deleted account (6176703)
01/08/13 11:00h join_team  All Names Are Taken (7862682)
10/10/13 12:39h team_kick  Deleted account (7750159) / by Deleted account (6550011)
24/11/13 09:12h join_team  The Sentinels (7868240)
30/11/13 19:09h team_kick  The Sentinels (7868240) / by Deleted account (5029501)
18/01/14 05:30h register_team  RedLine (8176591)
14/09/14 08:05h register_team  FiveMenShield (8620303)
14/10/18 07:31h team_kick  RedLine (8176591) / by Daemon (3)
14/10/18 07:31h team_kick  Expert Bots (7550029) / by Daemon (3)
14/10/18 07:31h team_kick  All Names Are Taken (7862682) / by Daemon (3)
14/10/18 07:31h team_kick  FiveMenShield (8620303) / by Daemon (3)
14/10/18 07:31h team_kick  Better Nerf Akali (7476329) / by Daemon (3)
14/10/18 07:31h team_kick  TheGamingPunks (7197132) / by Daemon (3)