wiktor123r  id: 7003632
created Platform action
07/07/12 14:26h first_login_default 
08/07/12 07:06h wanna_join_league  POL World of Tanks 1on1 Tier 4 Tanks Ladder
08/07/12 07:21h wanna_join_league  Europe World of Tanks 1on1 Heavy Tanks
08/07/12 07:57h join_league  Europe World of Tanks 1on1 Heavy Tanks
08/07/12 10:38h join_league  POL World of Tanks 1on1 Tier 4 Tanks Ladder
23/08/12 19:36h inactivity_kick  Europe World of Tanks 1on1 Heavy Tanks
23/08/12 19:40h inactivity_kick  POL World of Tanks 1on1 Tier 4 Tanks Ladder
14/02/16 08:45h register_team  Bogowie (9869541)
14/02/16 08:47h join_team  Bogowie (9869414)
15/02/16 11:42h join_team  KRULOWIE (9872868)