created | Platform | action |
09/07/12 14:49h | first_login_default | |
23/07/12 15:05h | first_login_esltv | |
23/07/12 15:05h | first_login_esltv | |
15/09/12 14:39h | first_login_esltv | |
15/09/12 14:39h | first_login_esltv | |
06/10/12 07:08h | first_login_america | |
14/11/12 16:41h | first_login_america | |
12/02/13 21:23h | change_xfire -> oscaar321 | |
13/03/13 13:27h | first_login_eslworld | |
05/05/13 21:03h | first_login_esltv | |
27/05/13 17:29h | join_team Vitriolic (7721959) | |
01/06/13 13:30h | join_team Deleted account (7760126) | |
03/07/13 14:08h | join_team Team BANHAMMER (7820087) | |
14/07/13 11:40h | team_kick Team BANHAMMER (7820087) / by Deleted account (7760066) | |
14/07/13 12:05h | join_team Team BANHAMMER (7820087) | |
14/07/13 13:18h | team_kick Team BANHAMMER (7820087) / by Deleted account (7760066) | |
14/07/13 13:42h | join_team Team BANHAMMER (7820087) | |
17/07/13 14:27h | first_login_esltv | |
28/07/13 12:55h | team_kick Team BANHAMMER (7820087) / by Deleted account (7760066) | |
08/08/13 17:00h | team_kick Deleted account (7760126) / by Deleted account (7760066) | |
18/12/13 17:01h | register_team Deleted account (8119641) | |
09/02/14 07:28h | join_team Intrinsecus (8121699) | |
13/02/14 14:24h | leave_team Intrinsecus (8121699) | |
16/02/14 07:23h | join_team BULKING WITH STYLE (8240820) | |
02/03/14 08:30h | join_team rizeGaming.echo (8269649) | |
19/03/14 17:13h | team_kick rizeGaming.echo (8269649) / by Deleted account (3851154) | |
25/03/14 14:01h | join_team ventex gaming (8307932) | |
29/05/14 15:51h | join_team uFrag (8422464) | |
01/09/14 19:16h | team_kick uFrag (8422464) / by Deleted account (5231940) | |
11/09/14 14:37h | join_team AWAKE (8466963) | |
19/09/14 16:39h | leave_team AWAKE (8466963) | |
20/10/14 18:01h | join_team Deleted account (8566108) | |
01/12/14 13:56h | join_team 5LINE (8775052) | |
23/12/14 08:02h | leave_team 5LINE (8775052) | |
28/12/14 17:05h | join_team exceL eSports (4427175) | |
04/01/15 08:06h | join_team LowLandLions.CSGO (8437826) | |
10/01/15 12:11h | join_team Team Viral (8810724) | |
10/01/15 12:11h | join_team Team Viral (8810724) | |
19/01/15 10:42h | join_team CeXiES (7969702) | |
26/01/15 01:59h | team_kick exceL eSports (4427175) / by Deleted account (1258788) | |
26/01/15 10:42h | join_team TOPCATS (7035168) | |
01/02/15 08:16h | join_team Condition (8865862) | |
03/02/15 11:21h | leave_team Deleted account (8566108) | |
03/02/15 11:22h | leave_team BULKING WITH STYLE (8240820) | |
03/02/15 11:22h | leave_team TOPCATS (7035168) | |
03/02/15 11:22h | leave_team ventex gaming (8307932) | |
03/02/15 11:25h | leave_team LowLandLions.CSGO (8437826) | |
18/02/15 17:32h | team_kick CeXiES (7969702) / by Deleted account (4933919) | |
09/03/15 09:53h | team_kick Team Viral (8810724) / by Deleted account (7520242) | |
09/03/15 12:07h | join_team Team Viral (8810724) | |
09/03/15 12:53h | team_kick Condition (8865862) / by Deleted account (6977735) | |
23/03/15 09:55h | join_team ACES E-Sports! (8994462) | |
22/06/15 12:08h | join_team XENEX (8979438) | |
26/06/15 19:39h | join_team XENEX.COLOGNE (9199014) | |
29/06/15 11:57h | team_kick XENEX.COLOGNE (9199014) / by Deleted account (1416129) | |
29/06/15 13:44h | join_team Molotovs And Marshmallows CSGO (8497536) | |
30/06/15 14:52h | team_kick XENEX (8979438) / by Deleted account (1416129) | |
05/07/15 17:19h | join_team Deleted account (9183345) | |
06/07/15 14:22h | leave_team Deleted account (9183345) | |
09/07/15 10:52h | join_team Molotovs And Marshmallows (9220053) | |
23/07/15 11:57h | join_team XENEX (8979438) | |
06/08/15 13:16h | team_kick XENEX (8979438) / by Deleted account (1416129) | |
26/03/16 07:44h | join_team Vatic gaming (9941561) | |
30/03/16 16:11h | leave_team Vatic gaming (9941561) | |
07/04/16 11:38h | join_team Team Infused (9027918) | |
02/05/16 12:25h | team_kick Team Infused (9027918) / by MattjA (3335526) | |
24/08/16 11:29h | join_team Team Viral (10428092) | |
30/12/16 14:25h | join_team Imperial (9179499) | |
30/12/16 14:39h | leave_team ACES E-Sports! (8994462) | |
30/12/16 14:40h | leave_team Molotovs And Marshmallows CSGO (8497536) | |
30/12/16 14:40h | leave_team Team Viral (10428092) | |
08/01/17 15:35h | join_team Infused (10822324) | |
08/01/17 15:39h | leave_team Imperial (9179499) | |
22/04/17 15:20h | join_team RADIX Esports (11227068) | |
29/01/18 08:22h | join_team Vexed Gaming - Ebuyer (12127930) | |
12/03/18 16:25h | register_team Vexed Gaming (12284682) | |
22/05/21 16:28h | register_team boydem (16898447) |