Gercio  id: 7108078
created Platform action
19/08/12 18:18h first_login_default 
19/08/12 18:20h join_team  SBP Blue (6253970)
20/08/12 17:25h wanna_join_league  Europe World of Tanks 1on1 Heavy Tanks
20/08/12 17:57h join_league  Europe World of Tanks 1on1 Heavy Tanks
15/09/12 10:25h join_team  Deleted account (7172768)
15/09/12 15:11h leave_team  Deleted account (7172768)
22/09/12 08:42h register_team  Deleted account (7186221)
22/09/12 08:42h register_team  Deleted account (7186222)
01/10/12 19:23h inactivity_kick  Europe World of Tanks 1on1 Heavy Tanks
20/12/12 18:05h join_team  Deleted account (7383360)
20/03/13 05:08h team_kick  Deleted account (7383360) / by Deleted account (7003280)
29/04/13 06:24h team_kick  SBP Blue (6253970) / by Bellavi (3707574)
16/07/13 11:24h join_team  FEAR 7 vs 7 team 1 (7738350)
16/07/13 11:25h join_team  FEAR 3vs3 team 1 (7729376)
16/07/13 11:34h join_team  sFEARy (7729411)
13/08/13 13:09h team_kick  sFEARy (7729411) / by Deleted account (7729151)
25/10/13 14:36h team_kick  FEAR 7 vs 7 team 1 (7738350) / by Deleted account (5366713)
25/10/13 14:36h team_kick  FEAR 3vs3 team 1 (7729376) / by Deleted account (5366713)
26/10/14 16:55h join_team  W0RMS (8659273)
23/04/15 13:13h join_team  Deleted account (8951555)
23/05/15 17:10h team_kick  Deleted account (8951555) / by Deleted account (8852807)
26/07/19 12:59h team_kick  W0RMS (8659273) / by Daemon (3)