SkimpuR  id: 7235286
created Platform action
15/10/12 13:57h first_login_default 
15/10/12 13:58h join_team  SexyLexy (7235233)
15/02/13 13:50h join_team  Deleted account (7223933)
13/04/13 09:46h team_kick  Deleted account (7223933) / by Deleted account (7216985)
26/05/13 12:20h leave_team  SexyLexy (7235233)
26/05/13 12:26h join_team  Turkey (7737494)
19/06/13 13:02h first_login_esltv 
15/10/13 13:02h join_team  Imparator (7993679)
08/12/13 17:52h join_team  SuperioR SF2 (8102172)
08/12/13 19:55h leave_team  Imparator (7993679)
06/03/14 13:17h team_kick  Turkey (7737494) / by Deleted account (1849998)
07/03/14 17:13h register_team  Deleted account (8278839)
15/03/14 20:23h join_team  Complexion.sf2 (8274762)
17/03/14 18:20h team_kick  Complexion.sf2 (8274762) / by Comeaki (7749960)
29/04/14 19:01h join_team  SkimpuR and the rifle trash! (8374791)
01/06/14 08:18h join_team  Six against many (8425350)
05/06/14 15:45h leave_team  Six against many (8425350)
28/06/14 11:37h join_team  Devalite (7712890)
06/07/14 15:24h leave_team  Devalite (7712890)
03/09/14 09:02h first_login_esltv 
14/11/14 09:07h first_login_esltv 
25/11/14 11:07h register_team  MasterMinds (8764660)
27/04/15 15:02h join_team  Superior (9072722)
18/08/15 16:12h join_team  InFLAME Gaming (8992750)
03/09/15 15:11h join_team  Team TryHard (9223668)
11/09/15 10:14h team_kick  Team TryHard (9223668) / by Deleted account (5261628)
16/09/15 14:23h leave_team  InFLAME Gaming (8992750)
22/09/15 15:43h join_team  Team TryHard (9223668)
21/10/15 17:40h join_team .CSGO (9503574)
24/01/16 08:36h join_team  JoopJoopLand (8485072)
21/02/16 07:46h leave_team .CSGO (9503574)
21/02/16 07:46h leave_team  Team TryHard (9223668)
01/05/16 08:17h team_kick  JoopJoopLand (8485072) / by Joopster (8065647)
29/06/16 11:16h join_team  MASTERLY R.I.P (9890362)
09/08/16 13:18h join_team  Deleted account (10380941)
09/08/16 14:22h leave_team  MASTERLY R.I.P (9890362)
30/08/16 08:35h leave_team  Deleted account (10380941)
07/09/16 11:06h join_team  Deleted account (10465000)
07/10/16 15:23h join_team  unique SF2 (10204958)
13/10/16 16:44h join_team  FocuseSports (10535544)
15/10/16 12:09h team_kick  FocuseSports (10535544) / by Deleted account (10539525)
21/10/16 13:38h leave_team  unique SF2 (10204958)
21/10/16 13:38h leave_team  Deleted account (10465000)
16/11/16 16:25h join_team  Splendid Isolation Crew (9583278)
22/12/16 22:20h first_login_eslasia 
08/01/17 07:21h join_team  Deleted account (10785749)
08/01/17 07:21h leave_team  Splendid Isolation Crew (9583278)
21/01/17 15:16h team_kick  Deleted account (10785749) / by Deleted account (9993296)
25/01/17 17:22h join_team  Deleted account (10873914)
27/01/17 16:02h join_team  Superior. Sf2 (10873021)
27/01/17 16:17h team_kick  Deleted account (10873914) / by empr1c (10355977)
05/02/17 08:41h join_team  Pantsu.exeISback (10790138)
12/02/17 08:48h leave_team  Pantsu.exeISback (10790138)
14/03/17 18:16h join_team  64Heros (11043149)
03/05/17 17:52h leave_team  64Heros (11043149)
05/05/17 11:14h join_team  31337 Gaming (9439100)
14/05/17 11:27h join_team  Deleted account (5804021)
15/05/17 20:23h team_kick  31337 Gaming (9439100) / by DXTR (8915766)
21/05/17 06:44h join_league  ESL Play Project CARS (PC) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
02/07/17 18:55h inactivity_kick  ESL Play Project CARS (PC) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
14/08/17 16:42h join_team  Sixth Sense (10880753)
20/08/17 08:26h join_team  JoopJoopLand (8485072)
20/08/17 08:52h team_kick  Sixth Sense (10880753) / by Deleted account (9797121)
29/08/17 17:46h join_team (11097711)
03/09/17 07:20h team_kick (11097711) / by Deleted account (9003328)
27/04/23 19:35h team_kick  MasterMinds (8764660) / by Daemon (3)
27/04/23 19:35h team_kick  Superior. Sf2 (10873021) / by Daemon (3)
27/04/23 19:35h team_kick  SuperioR SF2 (8102172) / by Daemon (3)
27/04/23 19:35h team_kick  SkimpuR and the rifle trash! (8374791) / by Daemon (3)
27/04/23 19:36h team_kick  Superior (9072722) / by Daemon (3)
27/04/23 19:36h team_kick  JoopJoopLand (8485072) / by Daemon (3)