Wizzxful  id: 7327774
created Platform action
24/11/12 03:09h first_login_default 
17/01/13 13:23h first_login_esltv 
20/01/13 07:47h first_login_esltv 
20/01/13 13:29h wanna_join_league  POL League of Legends Go4LoL Poland 1on1 #84 (22.01.13)
20/01/13 15:09h join_league  POL League of Legends Go4LoL Poland 1on1 #84 (22.01.13)
06/09/13 12:28h wanna_join_league  POL League of Legends Go4LoL Poland 1on1 #140 (06.09.13) - Darmowa Rotacja!
06/09/13 12:29h join_league  POL League of Legends Go4LoL Poland 1on1 #140 (06.09.13) - Darmowa Rotacja!
06/09/13 14:21h register_team  Deleted account (7928797)
10/09/13 12:07h wanna_join_league  POL League of Legends Go4LoL Poland 1on1 #141 (10.09.13) - Darmowa Rotacja!
10/09/13 12:09h join_league  POL League of Legends Go4LoL Poland 1on1 #141 (10.09.13) - Darmowa Rotacja!
10/09/13 12:55h wanna_join_league  POL League of Legends Go4LoL Poland 1on1 #141 (10.09.13) - Darmowa Rotacja!
10/09/13 12:55h join_league  POL League of Legends Go4LoL Poland 1on1 #141 (10.09.13) - Darmowa Rotacja!
17/09/13 12:26h wanna_join_league  POL League of Legends Go4LoL Poland 1on1 #143 (17.09.13) - Darmowa Rotacja!
17/09/13 12:28h join_league  POL League of Legends Go4LoL Poland 1on1 #143 (17.09.13) - Darmowa Rotacja!
20/09/13 12:50h wanna_join_league  POL League of Legends Go4LoL Poland 1on1 #144 (20.09.13) - Darmowa Rotacja!
20/09/13 12:51h join_league  POL League of Legends Go4LoL Poland 1on1 #144 (20.09.13) - Darmowa Rotacja!
21/10/13 16:10h join_team  Unskilled jungler Q (8006365)
09/11/13 16:09h join_team  HellFaction. LoL (7490292)
16/03/14 14:07h team_kick  HellFaction. LoL (7490292) / by Ganja (5467360)
10/06/14 15:22h join_team  Deleted account (8455909)
13/07/14 10:26h team_kick  Deleted account (8455909) / by Deleted account (8257174)
17/07/14 17:15h wanna_join_league  POL League of Legends Go4LoL Poland 1on1 #213 (18.07.14) - darmowa rotacja!
17/07/14 17:53h join_league  POL League of Legends Go4LoL Poland 1on1 #213 (18.07.14) - darmowa rotacja!
11/08/14 10:48h wanna_join_league  POL League of Legends 1on1 V Turniej Kwalifikacyjny Powered By LG
11/08/14 10:49h join_league  POL League of Legends 1on1 V Turniej Kwalifikacyjny Powered By LG
30/08/14 09:08h join_team  SkillFactory EAST (8596543)
20/09/14 14:37h first_login_esltv 
28/10/14 12:50h join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East 1on1 Proving Grounds #96 (28.10.14)
28/10/14 15:14h first_login_esltv 
20/01/15 13:45h wanna_join_league  POL League of Legends 1on1 IEM Ticket Challenge #3
20/01/15 14:07h join_league  POL League of Legends 1on1 IEM Ticket Challenge #3
31/01/16 08:38h leave_team  SkillFactory EAST (8596543)
31/01/16 08:38h leave_team  Unskilled jungler Q (8006365)
12/02/16 11:23h register_team  Deleted account (9861836)
13/02/16 06:53h wanna_join_league  ESL Play LoL 1on1 IEM Ticket Challenge #5 Poland
13/02/16 06:57h join_league  ESL Play LoL 1on1 IEM Ticket Challenge #5 Poland
23/02/16 12:08h join_league  ESL Play LoL EU Nordic & East 1on1 Proving Grounds #202
06/11/18 11:40h join_team  HuSky eSport (12879441)
25/11/18 07:34h join_team  Cracow Esports (10471544)
12/01/19 11:30h join_team  Colorowe Marzenia (13173975)
26/01/19 08:38h join_team  Team 1 (13114354)
31/01/19 09:08h join_team  Adorable eSports (12973452)
02/02/19 17:17h join_team  Glitch Storm (12180659)
03/02/19 07:34h join_team  Glitch Storm v1 (13203815)
03/03/19 07:17h team_kick  Glitch Storm v1 (13203815) / by Deleted account (4447343)
22/03/19 16:12h team_kick  Adorable eSports (12973452) / by Deleted account (12678640)
30/03/19 09:09h join_team  mYinsanity (12026096)
30/03/19 09:13h join_team  Flayn eSports Swiss Edition (13536034)
31/03/19 08:07h join_team  Pepega (13117725)
31/03/19 08:45h join_team  Deleted account (13109445)
31/03/19 08:56h leave_team  Colorowe Marzenia (13173975)
31/03/19 08:56h leave_team  Cracow Esports (10471544)
31/03/19 08:57h leave_team  HuSky eSport (12879441)
01/04/19 09:45h team_kick  Pepega (13117725) / by H0shiG4ki (8115977)
01/04/19 10:38h team_kick  Glitch Storm (12180659) / by Deleted account (4447343)
01/04/19 10:45h join_team  Deleted account (13541665)
01/04/19 11:32h leave_team  Deleted account (13541665)
06/04/19 07:20h team_kick  mYinsanity (12026096) / by sioser (7706921)
04/05/19 08:14h team_kick  Flayn eSports Swiss Edition (13536034) / by Deleted account (11565024)
18/05/19 11:11h join_team  Deleted account (13716434)
14/09/19 12:05h team_kick  Deleted account (13716434) / by Deleted account (11849756)
12/04/21 11:40h join_team  Sieeema (16754029)
25/04/21 07:57h join_team  Wenże Hebiego (16815563)