Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (2) Contacts & Buddies (0) Rating Gameaccounts History pavvko id: 7386261 created Platform action 19/12/12 09:44h first_login_default 19/12/12 09:46h join_team Deleted account (7385418) 20/12/12 15:55h register_team SOUTH GG (7389380) 22/12/12 09:56h leave_team Deleted account (7385418) 14/01/13 12:52h register_team Unreal cHojnow Team (7444497) 18/01/13 11:18h first_login_esltv 22/03/13 18:36h join_team Losser (7611229) 15/06/13 08:38h join_team Explorers of Time (7784530) 26/04/14 12:46h register_team Campcie Topa (8368498) 26/04/14 12:58h first_login_esltv 07/07/14 10:28h leave_team Explorers of Time (7784530) 07/07/14 10:29h leave_team Losser (7611229) 27/07/14 09:12h register_team Campcie Topa v3 (8534774) 28/07/15 18:18h join_team Uther Warriors (9275595) 17/11/15 13:30h leave_team Uther Warriors (9275595) 17/11/15 14:52h join_team Paktujemy? (9319964) 22/12/16 11:01h first_login_sm 13/03/21 06:41h join_roster for team #7389380 in PUBG (PC) Squad Masters Qualifiers Spring 2021 Europe, Middle East & Africa #221776 05/06/21 04:00h join_roster for team #7389380 in PUBG (PC) Squad Open Qualifiers Summer 2021 Europe, Middle East & Africa #225642 03/07/21 15:15h join_roster for team #7389380 in PUBG (PC) Squad Masters Qualifiers Summer 2021 Europe, Middle East & Africa #227049 21/09/21 14:48h join_roster for team #7389380 in PUBG (PC) Squad Open Qualifiers Fall 2021 Europe, Middle East & Africa #229892 22/11/21 11:39h join_team NOPE (6332794) 22/11/21 11:44h join_roster for team #6332794 in PUBG (PC) Squad Open Qualifiers Winter 2021 Europe, Middle East & Africa #232087 by #7276460