created | Platform | action |
17/03/13 09:20h | first_login_default | |
17/03/13 09:34h | join_team ichtilaci (7498627) | |
23/01/14 15:53h | wanna_join_league Europe World of Tanks 1on1 ESL Series | |
23/01/14 16:13h | wanna_join_league Europe World of Tanks 1on1 Winter Cup 2014 | |
24/01/14 09:19h | join_league Europe World of Tanks 1on1 ESL Series | |
24/01/14 09:41h | join_league Europe World of Tanks 1on1 Winter Cup 2014 | |
04/02/14 13:36h | wanna_join_league CZSK World of Tanks 1on1 ESL Series | |
04/02/14 14:03h | join_league CZSK World of Tanks 1on1 ESL Series | |
10/02/14 04:12h | leave_team ichtilaci (7498627) | |
10/02/14 04:15h | register_team TASC - 3on3 (8227338) | |
25/02/14 14:01h | join_team Deleted account (8163072) | |
28/03/14 12:53h | wanna_join_league CZSK World of Tanks 1on1 Heavy Cup 14 | |
28/03/14 12:55h | join_league CZSK World of Tanks 1on1 Heavy Cup 14 | |
03/04/14 05:12h | wanna_join_league CZSK World of Tanks 1on1 Funcup 52 | |
04/04/14 07:34h | join_league CZSK World of Tanks 1on1 Funcup 52 | |
13/04/14 13:34h | team_kick Deleted account (8163072) / by Deleted account (7487986) | |
13/04/14 14:17h | register_team FOFOS - 7v7 (8344372) | |
16/04/14 12:44h | wanna_join_league Europe World of Tanks 1on1 Easter Cup 2014 | |
16/04/14 14:22h | join_league Europe World of Tanks 1on1 Easter Cup 2014 | |
17/04/14 11:45h | wanna_join_league CZSK World of Tanks 1on1 Heavy Cup 15 | |
17/04/14 13:41h | join_league CZSK World of Tanks 1on1 Heavy Cup 15 | |
29/04/14 06:04h | wanna_join_league Europe World of Tanks 1on1 Spring Cup 2014 | |
29/04/14 06:11h | join_league Europe World of Tanks 1on1 Spring Cup 2014 | |
30/05/14 15:57h | team_kick TASC - 3on3 (8227338) / by T00M52 (6978229) | |
16/08/14 17:03h | join_team TASC - 3on3 (8227338) | |
17/08/14 08:10h | leave_team TASC - 3on3 (8227338) | |
24/08/14 16:34h | join_team TASC - 3on3 (8227338) | |
27/08/14 11:45h | team_kick TASC - 3on3 (8227338) / by T00M52 (6978229) | |
20/09/14 09:54h | register_team Deleted account (8629444) | |
25/09/14 15:59h | team_kick FOFOS - 7v7 (8344372) / by T00M52 (6978229) | |
25/09/14 16:00h | register_team Outcasts - 7on7 (8638319) | |
21/01/15 12:56h | team_kick Outcasts - 7on7 (8638319) / by T00M52 (6978229) |