Michael 'RaaiK' Peter  id: 7604241
created Platform action
19/03/13 15:27h first_login_default 
17/05/13 15:51h change_xfire  -> mitsukun6
17/05/13 16:11h join_team  Diamond Prowlers (7732116)
26/05/13 04:00h team_kick  Diamond Prowlers (7732116) / by Deleted account (6911997)
26/05/13 06:34h join_team  Fox 5ive (7747655)
02/06/13 13:51h join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Series - Proving Grounds
03/06/13 16:57h wanna_join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Amateur Series
03/06/13 16:57h wanna_join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Ladder
03/06/13 17:05h join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Ladder
03/06/13 17:05h join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Amateur Series
19/06/13 07:29h wanna_join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Amateur Series
19/06/13 08:16h join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Amateur Series
25/08/13 00:29h inactivity_kick  Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Ladder
24/11/13 16:25h first_login_esltv 
24/11/13 18:20h kicked_from_league_ac  Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Amateur Series
03/12/13 11:48h wanna_join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Amateur Series
03/12/13 12:08h join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Amateur Series
06/12/13 13:25h join_league  ROM League of Legends 1on1 Best Riven #1 RO
26/12/13 10:50h join_league  Europe Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Beta Cup #10
26/12/13 10:52h wanna_join_league  Europe Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 ESL Series
26/12/13 11:00h join_league  Europe Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 ESL Series
03/01/14 05:40h register_team  Deleted account (8143105)
10/01/14 10:23h register_team  Deleted account (8159825)
10/01/14 12:01h leave_team  Fox 5ive (7747655)
29/01/14 23:16h leave_league  Europe Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 ESL Series
29/01/14 23:16h leave_league  Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Series - Howling Abyss
14/02/14 15:43h join_league  ROM League of Legends 1on1 BestCaitlynRO
08/03/14 06:57h join_team  MechanicsGG (8279511)
08/03/14 07:53h leave_team  MechanicsGG (8279511)
08/03/14 07:54h join_team  PhysX eSports (6555454)
19/03/14 19:20h kicked_from_league_ac  Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Amateur Series
21/03/14 05:53h team_kick  PhysX eSports (6555454) / by Deleted account (6415643)
21/03/14 10:31h join_team  Racoon Squad II (8302183)
23/03/14 09:07h join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East 1on1 Series - Howling Abyss
23/03/14 09:07h wanna_join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East 1on1 Amateur Series
23/03/14 09:09h wanna_join_league  ROM League of Legends 1on1 Ladder
23/03/14 09:10h join_league  ROM League of Legends 1on1 Best Lux Romania
23/03/14 09:52h join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East 1on1 Amateur Series
23/03/14 12:20h join_league  ROM League of Legends 1on1 Ladder
30/04/14 18:20h kicked_from_league_ac  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East 1on1 Amateur Series
08/05/14 15:05h leave_team  Racoon Squad II (8302183)
10/05/14 03:12h register_team  Noble Risk (8390805)
16/05/14 18:20h kicked_from_league_ac  ROM League of Legends 1on1 Ladder
07/06/14 06:06h join_team  WolfSpirits T1 (8355356)
14/06/14 07:25h join_team  NextGeneration (8462482)
22/06/14 11:42h first_login_esltv 
28/06/14 05:54h leave_team  NextGeneration (8462482)
12/07/14 08:05h join_team  Deleted account (8123222)
30/08/14 07:57h leave_team  Deleted account (8123222)
30/08/14 08:07h join_team  Romania 4 BB (6280132)
27/09/14 06:22h join_team  Going Quantum LoL (6537278)
27/09/14 06:50h leave_team  WolfSpirits T1 (8355356)
28/09/14 07:27h join_team  Pufarine (8629150)
04/10/14 07:20h leave_team  Going Quantum LoL (6537278)
04/10/14 07:33h join_team  Nume Badazz (8448631)
18/10/14 17:59h join_team  Ignite Esports (8595852)
04/11/14 13:19h leave_team  Romania 4 BB (6280132)
04/11/14 13:19h leave_team  Ignite Esports (8595852)
04/11/14 13:20h leave_team  Pufarine (8629150)
22/11/14 06:58h join_team  Ignite Esports (8595852)
13/04/15 12:24h join_team  Deleted account (8123222)
01/05/15 09:46h team_kick  Ignite Esports (8595852) / by sKylLedX (8142753)
02/11/15 03:32h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
02/11/15 03:36h join_league  ESL Play Go4Hearthstone Europe Cup #19
02/11/15 03:37h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone The Grand Tournament #17 Europe
02/11/15 03:39h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone 1on1 Open Cup Series #19 Romania
02/11/15 04:23h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
02/11/15 18:56h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone 1on1 Open Cup Series #19 Romania
03/11/15 18:00h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone Tavern Brawl #10 Europe
15/12/15 19:11h inactivity_kick  ESL Play Hearthstone Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
15/03/17 04:56h join_league  ESL Play Go4Hearthstone Europe Cup #90
15/03/17 05:03h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone Open Conquest Ladder 1on1 Europe
15/03/17 05:07h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone Open Last Hero Standing Ladder 1on1 Europe
15/03/17 05:36h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone Open Last Hero Standing Ladder 1on1 Europe
15/03/17 05:37h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone Open Conquest Ladder 1on1 Europe
15/03/17 14:36h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone Last Hero of Gadgetzan #15 Europe
15/03/17 14:37h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone Gadgetzans Conquest Tournament #16 Europe
23/03/17 20:39h join_league  ESL Play Go4Hearthstone Europe Cup #91
04/04/17 09:49h join_team  Meet Your Gods v2.0 (11146685)
12/04/17 19:01h inactivity_kick  ESL Play Hearthstone Open Last Hero Standing Ladder 1on1 Europe
27/04/17 19:04h inactivity_kick  ESL Play Hearthstone Open Conquest Ladder 1on1 Europe
13/06/22 12:21h team_kick  Meet Your Gods v2.0 (11146685) / by Daemon (3)
13/06/22 12:21h team_kick  Nume Badazz (8448631) / by Daemon (3)
13/06/22 12:21h team_kick  Noble Risk (8390805) / by Daemon (3)