Send0o  id: 7674018
created Platform action
18/04/13 08:10h first_login_default 
18/04/13 09:43h join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Series - Proving Grounds
19/04/13 10:31h register_team  R.I.P. SyN Shatey (7676255)
21/04/13 16:16h register_team  R.I.P. SyN Shatey 3v3 (7682493)
23/04/13 12:00h register_team  Deleted account (7685267)
28/04/13 17:19h first_login_america 
01/05/13 08:49h register_team  Deleted account (7699368)
09/06/13 18:32h first_login_eslworld 
13/06/13 12:37h join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Who plays the best Teemo?
30/09/13 09:54h join_league  Ger League of Legends 1on1 Clash of Legends #8
19/11/13 12:28h join_team  ENSOX.comgad (7964934)
19/11/13 12:30h register_team  Be the Best (8065493)
30/11/13 21:41h join_team  Twerking All Day Long (8057493)
01/12/13 07:05h first_login_esltv 
26/12/13 12:58h join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Snowdown showdown
18/01/14 20:58h join_team  Deleted account (8176094)
30/01/14 14:34h team_kick  Deleted account (8176094) / by J0hn (5063258)
07/07/14 08:11h wanna_join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Ladder
07/07/14 08:48h join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Ladder
29/08/14 19:12h inactivity_kick  Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Ladder
08/11/14 05:04h wanna_join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Ladder
08/11/14 08:02h join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Ladder
06/12/14 19:07h inactivity_kick  ESL Play League of Legends EU West League of Legends Open LoL Open Ladder 1on1 EU West
21/12/14 05:53h join_team  insertnamehere (8811286)
27/12/14 18:20h join_league  Ger League of Legends 1on1 Club Demacia #52
01/01/15 02:17h join_league  Ger League of Legends 1on1 Club Demacia #53
01/01/15 03:43h join_league  Ger League of Legends 1on1 Club Demacia #54
09/01/15 16:40h join_team  Awkward (8837569)
12/01/15 18:43h join_team  Play 2 Win (8845305)
16/01/15 21:52h join_team  ADN KIYF KROM e-Sports Club (7881816)
27/01/15 12:53h leave_team  R.I.P. SyN Shatey 3v3 (7682493)
27/01/15 12:56h join_team  Qwerty (8816394)
04/02/15 12:20h join_team  Train2BeGoD (8893420)
11/02/15 15:10h join_team  peculiar gaming e. V. (5741004)
19/02/15 16:54h team_kick  ADN KIYF KROM e-Sports Club (7881816) / by Deleted account (7286138)
22/02/15 16:22h join_team  Black Turtle Gaming (8315461)
23/02/15 10:19h increase_trustlevel  0 () -> 5 (2018-02-23)
24/02/15 06:55h team_kick  peculiar gaming e. V. (5741004) / by Deleted account (5098946)
21/03/15 14:14h join_team  DRAFT_KIYF v1 (8990899)
01/04/15 16:38h join_team  Black Turtle Gaming (9011181)
27/04/15 08:01h join_team  Testerino Team (9071776)
27/04/15 11:07h join_team  Testerino Pasterino (9072207)
06/05/15 12:05h join_team  Wild Crew (9094108)
07/06/15 12:49h team_kick  Black Turtle Gaming (8315461) / by BL Boerns (8277455)
28/08/15 14:58h join_team  Black Turtle Gaming (8315461)
11/08/16 10:48h join_team  PogChamp Stars (10381428)
09/09/16 10:22h join_team  G2 Vodafone (10468909)
04/12/16 07:46h join_team  Her kommer den dreng (10150714)
07/01/17 16:38h join_team  Deleted account (10817960)
02/12/17 11:18h team_kick  Deleted account (10817960) / by Deleted account (7220588)
28/01/18 12:54h join_team  exceL eSports (8979076)
23/02/18 19:37h decrease_trustlevel  5 -> 0