Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (1) Contacts & Buddies (0) Rating Gameaccounts History OFF Hyde id: 7684086 created Platform action 22/04/13 15:24h first_login_default 22/04/13 15:28h join_team Deleted account (7672457) 26/04/13 22:45h team_kick Deleted account (7672457) / by Deleted account (7542045) 09/05/13 15:06h join_team Sport Lisboa e Benfica (7715501) 02/07/13 15:44h join_team Grow uP Hunters (7063148) 04/07/13 12:11h team_kick Grow uP Hunters (7063148) / by splifa (6401514) 24/07/13 17:45h leave_team Sport Lisboa e Benfica (7715501) 26/08/13 13:47h register_team FTW Blaze (7910900) 27/08/13 14:51h join_team Deleted account (7364688) 23/09/13 16:54h join_team For The Win eSports (6674462) 27/10/13 16:11h team_kick For The Win eSports (6674462) / by Deleted account (6169729) 18/04/15 11:40h join_team team3v Sapphires (8328436) 18/04/15 12:41h leave_team FTW Blaze (7910900) 18/04/15 12:42h join_team wG. Glory (9052681) 26/04/15 19:26h team_kick wG. Glory (9052681) / by Deleted account (6598748) 20/06/15 09:28h register_team Deleted account (9186103) 20/06/15 09:33h register_team Deleted account (9186123) 18/12/15 07:54h join_team HighFive eSports ClickPlus (9518734) 25/12/15 08:59h register_team Deleted account (9699171) 25/12/15 11:27h leave_team team3v Sapphires (8328436) 02/01/16 19:55h team_kick Deleted account (9186123) / by Deleted account (4474914) 22/01/16 15:33h team_kick HighFive eSports ClickPlus (9518734) / by Deleted account (4642301) 25/01/18 16:45h join_team eQuilibrium eSports PRO (11988812) 17/04/18 20:31h join_team eQuilibrium eSports ACAD (11885380) 18/04/22 05:52h register_team OFF Course (17534880) 18/04/22 05:55h leave_team eQuilibrium eSports PRO (11988812) 18/04/22 05:55h leave_team eQuilibrium eSports ACAD (11885380)