weak  id: 7852158
created Platform action
22/07/13 09:32h first_login_default 
15/02/14 08:57h join_team  Mystery Of Nothingness (8238552)
11/06/14 09:15h join_team  Ready To Fight (8457009)
11/06/14 10:12h register_team  Deleted account (8457132)
11/06/14 12:24h leave_team  Deleted account (8457132)
20/06/14 13:49h join_team  Deleted account (8457166)
20/06/14 13:52h join_team  Deleted account (8457132)
23/06/14 08:00h join_team  Deleted account (7780459)
23/06/14 08:11h team_kick  Deleted account (7780459) / by Deleted account (6446172)
12/08/15 15:35h join_league  ESL Play Go4Hearthstone Europe Cup #7
12/08/15 15:36h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone Tavern Brawl #4 Europe
06/09/15 09:22h join_league  ESL Play Go4Hearthstone Europe Cup #10
06/09/15 10:36h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
06/09/15 11:28h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
13/09/15 06:41h register_team  UstawsieTV (9409686)
18/10/15 19:16h inactivity_kick  ESL Play Hearthstone Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
23/10/15 11:24h register_team  haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalo (9507721)
01/11/15 07:19h join_league  ESL Play Go4Hearthstone Europe Cup #18
06/11/15 15:44h join_team  The Patol (9545565)
12/01/16 13:56h register_team  no nejmy bijo (9752605)
13/04/16 10:02h register_team  Muntfy Pany (10037412)
17/04/16 09:16h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone 1on1 Play4Fun #37 Poland
17/04/16 09:23h join_league  ESL Play Go4Hearthstone Europe Cup #42
17/04/16 09:37h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone 1on1 Play4Fun #37 Poland
24/05/16 11:50h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone 1on1 Play4Fun Wild #4 Poland
24/05/16 11:53h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone 1on1 Play4Fun Wild #4 Poland
25/05/16 03:47h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone Tournament Of The Old Gods #7 Europe
26/05/16 12:52h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone Tournament Of The Old Gods #7 Europe
27/05/16 09:55h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone 1on1 Play4Fun Standard #4 Poland
27/05/16 12:43h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone 1on1 Play4Fun Standard #4 Poland
29/05/16 06:09h join_league  ESL Play Go4Hearthstone Europe Cup #48
26/06/16 09:27h join_league  ESL Play Go4Hearthstone Europe Cup #52
26/06/16 09:58h join_league  ESL Play Go4Hearthstone Europe Cup #52
15/08/16 07:42h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone 1on1 Open Cup Series #5 Poland
15/08/16 09:54h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone 1on1 Open Cup Series #5 Poland
14/04/17 12:20h join_team  UstawSięTV (10870655)
03/02/18 15:15h join_league  ESL Play Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #18
16/12/18 12:17h join_league  ESL Play Go4FIFA (PS4) Poland Cup #16
13/03/19 10:07h join_league  ESL Play FIFA 19 (PS4) Ekstraklasa Games - Kwalifikacje Korona Kielce