MrInviolable  id: 7888132
created Platform action
13/08/13 09:28h first_login_default 
13/08/13 09:51h join_team  TeAMPlaY.ZdZ (7887709)
14/08/13 07:46h team_kick  TeAMPlaY.ZdZ (7887709) / by Deleted account (6517252)
30/08/13 17:53h join_team  Deleted account (7899693)
03/09/13 15:34h team_kick  Deleted account (7899693) / by Binio1 (6411704)
01/10/13 12:56h join_team  AlterEgo Team (7944438)
06/10/13 08:43h leave_team  AlterEgo Team (7944438)
15/10/13 10:24h join_team  Dacalaxavai (7991056)
05/12/13 14:56h join_team  Super Pazie (7125481)
10/12/13 14:25h leave_team  Super Pazie (7125481)
11/01/14 10:53h join_team  NoStress-Team (7641719)
11/01/14 16:15h leave_team  NoStress-Team (7641719)
26/01/14 07:04h join_team  Stronk Siema (7897320)
09/03/14 18:02h first_login_esltv 
02/04/14 12:37h register_team  Deleted account (8324794)
07/05/14 10:08h join_team  Bastards (8375852)
10/05/14 17:17h team_kick  Bastards (8375852) / by Deleted account (7361047)
18/05/14 13:32h first_login_esltv 
19/05/14 18:10h register_team  Elibrium (8417579)
19/05/14 18:14h register_team  Deleted account (8417587)
19/05/14 18:15h register_team  Deleted account (8417589)
19/05/14 18:17h register_team  Deleted account (8417591)
19/05/14 18:17h register_team  Deleted account (8417592)
26/05/14 12:34h leave_team  Dacalaxavai (7991056)
07/07/14 13:13h join_team  Deleted account (8273941)
19/07/14 11:09h join_team  Brzydcy Zli i Szczerzy (7829284)
22/07/14 16:55h join_team  Kotwica Gaming (7651874)
23/07/14 03:23h team_kick  Brzydcy Zli i Szczerzy (7829284) / by kaznodzieja_ZwC (7231767)
23/07/14 10:15h leave_team  Deleted account (8273941)
13/08/14 11:55h leave_team  Kotwica Gaming (7651874)
22/08/14 18:52h first_login_america 
04/09/14 14:12h join_team  Siuraki Squad (7562306)
05/09/14 09:44h team_kick  Siuraki Squad (7562306) / by Deleted account (6938247)
26/10/14 13:39h leave_team  Stronk Siema (7897320)
05/11/14 14:57h wanna_join_league  UK World of Tanks 1on1 Late Night Cup #2
05/11/14 16:11h wanna_join_league  UK World of Tanks 1on1 Late Night Cup #2
08/11/14 12:16h join_team  Deleted account (8727496)
16/11/14 05:49h team_kick  Deleted account (8727496) / by Deleted account (8690296)
23/11/14 10:30h join_team  Amazing Gaming (8276587)
30/11/14 07:56h join_team  Bobry Squad (8624823)
09/12/14 11:14h leave_team  Bobry Squad (8624823)
14/12/14 11:57h leave_team  Amazing Gaming (8276587)
10/02/15 17:01h join_team  Vae Victis Polska (8897352)
11/03/15 14:36h leave_team  Vae Victis Polska (8897352)
07/04/15 11:46h team_kick  Elibrium (8417579) / by Agraham (8533217)