created | Platform | action |
21/09/13 13:41h | first_login_default | |
24/09/13 12:20h | register_team ProLeaguePlayers (7957960) | |
24/09/13 12:21h | join_team FCSchaby (7957947) | |
24/09/13 12:56h | join_league Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Who plays the best Ezrael? | |
24/09/13 14:25h | wanna_join_league Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Ladder | |
24/09/13 14:30h | join_league Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Ladder | |
27/10/13 19:20h | kicked_from_league_ac Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Ladder | |
27/06/14 15:31h | join_team Stop Backdoor My Mom (8484113) | |
31/05/15 03:42h | join_team SadHappy (9143401) | |
30/06/15 10:32h | join_team EssA (9206782) | |
13/07/15 05:54h | wanna_join_league ESL Play League of Legends 1on1 Play4Fun #5 Poland | |
13/07/15 06:23h | join_league ESL Play League of Legends 1on1 Play4Fun #5 Poland | |
13/07/15 14:09h | join_league ESL Play LoL EU Nordic & East 1on1 Proving Grounds #161 | |
03/08/15 14:54h | join_team Maybe Team On One Game (9290619) | |
06/08/15 06:14h | register_team Beka z wyzwania piwnego (9297587) | |
07/12/15 14:38h | join_league ESL Play LoL EU Nordic & East 1on1 Proving Grounds #191 | |
17/01/16 09:23h | join_team Deleted account (8457996) | |
23/04/16 06:13h | join_team ExterminationSnipersTeam (9787887) | |
27/04/16 08:15h | team_kick ExterminationSnipersTeam (9787887) / by Deleted account (9448470) | |
09/07/16 09:19h | register_team Kiedys Mialem Team (10268764) | |
20/10/16 12:26h | join_team Deleted account (10553267) | |
30/10/16 08:58h | team_kick Deleted account (10553267) / by Deleted account (7474741) | |
29/11/16 10:05h | join_team Vistula Eagles (8746606) | |
21/12/16 11:28h | team_kick Deleted account (8457996) / by Deleted account (7474741) | |
06/01/17 10:11h | join_team Deleted account (8457996) | |
31/01/17 11:55h | join_team Egirl nudes hunters (10069041) | |
31/01/17 11:59h | leave_team Deleted account (8457996) | |
02/02/17 11:33h | join_team Deleted account (10909780) | |
05/02/17 15:06h | team_kick Deleted account (10909780) / by Deleted account (7474741) | |
06/02/17 08:25h | team_kick Egirl nudes hunters (10069041) / by Aven (8435934) | |
23/02/17 16:35h | join_team Deleted account (8457996) | |
12/04/17 11:27h | register_team Team młyn (11183940) | |
30/05/17 09:00h | join_team my tu tylko zwiedzamy (10526781) | |
11/06/17 06:48h | join_team ESC Pro LoL (11316112) | |
15/06/17 11:18h | join_team IE drugie na Lucku (11407051) | |
25/06/17 03:35h | team_kick Deleted account (8457996) / by Deleted account (7474741) | |
27/06/17 15:18h | leave_team ESC Pro LoL (11316112) | |
03/09/17 08:46h | join_team DgPx Ice (11682827) | |
19/11/17 07:54h | join_team Deleted account (8457996) | |
16/12/17 07:39h | team_kick Deleted account (8457996) / by Deleted account (7474741) | |
17/12/17 07:41h | join_team Abusers Zoe (11995002) | |
26/12/17 20:58h | join_team Deleted account (8457996) | |
25/01/18 14:41h | team_kick Deleted account (8457996) / by Deleted account (7474741) | |
26/01/18 08:58h | join_team WildManiacs (12113777) | |
21/02/18 10:44h | team_kick WildManiacs (12113777) / by Deleted account (7474741) | |
21/02/18 11:46h | join_team Deleted account (8457996) | |
20/05/18 07:39h | join_team Banda Grubego (11449057) | |
03/06/18 07:10h | join_team Team AIDS (12532819) | |
05/07/18 12:39h | team_kick Deleted account (8457996) / by Deleted account (7474741) | |
05/07/18 16:06h | join_team WildManiacs (12612958) | |
11/07/18 11:55h | team_kick Banda Grubego (11449057) / by Darou (7340869) | |
13/07/18 18:55h | team_kick WildManiacs (12612958) / by Deleted account (7474741) | |
14/07/18 08:27h | join_team Banda Grubego (11449057) | |
28/07/18 17:49h | join_team improw (12684424) | |
29/07/18 07:48h | join_team Cracow Esports (10471544) | |
29/07/18 08:21h | leave_team improw (12684424) | |
05/08/18 05:44h | team_kick Cracow Esports (10471544) / by Marek (5002293) | |
12/08/18 07:37h | join_team WildManiacs (12612958) | |
07/10/18 07:36h | team_kick Banda Grubego (11449057) / by Darou (7340869) | |
15/09/19 08:56h | join_team WildManiacs (14124984) |