Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (3) Contacts & Buddies (0) Rating Gameaccounts History tarttus id: 7965587 created Platform action 29/09/13 09:07h first_login_default 29/09/13 09:08h join_team (7962328) 27/09/14 07:31h join_team Mentally Retarded Morrons (8640615) 28/01/15 03:14h register_team WiNGs of DEATH (8875739) 04/04/15 19:41h join_team Deleted account (9022728) 02/07/15 18:24h join_team FaLLeN Eu (9212013) 29/08/15 09:25h register_team Impending Death (9366833) 28/11/15 10:20h join_team Get Kidnapped (9230822) 04/12/15 18:31h register_team SHaKiR GaMiNg (9618663) 26/12/15 08:29h join_team BRAT ZA BRATAA (9699265) 23/01/16 10:14h team_kick Get Kidnapped (9230822) / by Deleted account (8840041) 24/01/16 07:24h join_team Five Invictus (9682685) 30/01/16 10:11h join_team TEAM shaco (9492900) 06/02/16 10:36h join_team AH 17K/1/0 KDA (9802563) 06/02/16 10:47h join_team The flufly pandas (9745730) 27/02/16 09:32h register_team GetSilverOrDieTrying (9913854) 05/03/16 09:46h join_team 20 santa true damage (9912990) 20/03/16 09:26h join_team amjik (9933731) 27/03/16 08:51h team_kick amjik (9933731) / by Deleted account (9736266) 19/05/16 08:37h register_team LMewAO (10126748) 21/05/16 10:02h join_team Breathe Your Last Breath (9187261) 04/06/16 18:41h join_team Evolution-Gaming (10083694) 02/09/16 08:54h register_team Pingvinite from Downtown (10454619) 17/09/16 06:46h team_kick Breathe Your Last Breath (9187261) / by Deleted account (9066187) 20/09/16 11:12h join_team Team Dont Ban Ahri (10492672) 08/10/16 09:10h join_team Deleted account (10102217) 29/10/16 08:30h register_team Corrupted wolves (10598938) 27/11/16 10:16h register_team wuf wuf (10709104) 22/12/16 10:18h first_login_sm 30/12/16 08:58h register_team GDBOP (10792181) 14/01/17 10:26h join_team PenTHouse (10757463) 21/02/17 11:18h register_team sife lucks (10975489) 03/03/17 06:27h team_kick Deleted account (9022728) / by Deleted account (5505744) 11/04/17 04:55h join_team Breathe Your Last Breath (9187261) 22/06/17 12:50h join_team Telekabel OFFICIAL (11140157) 23/06/17 11:01h leave_team Telekabel OFFICIAL (11140157) 30/06/17 10:14h join_team gg tutorial (11380256) 07/07/17 11:21h join_team plovdiv maina (11459577) 01/10/17 07:34h team_kick plovdiv maina (11459577) / by Deleted account (11356063) 11/11/17 08:47h join_team Ribite na suho (11380023) 11/11/17 08:57h join_team plovdiv maina (11459577) 17/11/17 08:33h join_team IMMORTALS (11909084) 28/12/17 07:07h join_team Inspired Esport (11986466) 18/01/18 14:12h join_team shac0 make them cry (11965609) 22/02/18 20:19h team_kick Inspired Esport (11986466) / by Deleted account (11356063) 02/03/18 12:07h register_team 13 y o bois (12249651) 11/05/18 21:47h join_team Deleted account (12475586) 22/07/18 07:36h leave_team Evolution-Gaming (10083694) 22/07/18 07:36h join_team MejaiBestItem (12620969) 01/12/18 11:24h team_kick MejaiBestItem (12620969) / by Deleted account (8526710) 16/12/18 07:19h join_team Unlucky life go next (9742161) 12/01/19 17:25h team_kick Unlucky life go next (9742161) / by Deleted account (8207140)