flyboy  id: 7993491
created Platform action
15/10/13 11:16h first_login_default 
10/01/14 07:14h first_login_consoles 
10/01/14 07:16h register_team  Deleted account (8159383)
10/01/14 07:49h join_league  Europe Call of Duty: Ghosts (360) 1on1 TDM Ladder
12/01/14 06:18h join_league  Europe Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (360) 1on1 Ladder
25/02/14 19:03h inactivity_kick  Europe Call of Duty: Ghosts (360) 1on1 TDM Ladder
11/11/15 12:51h register_team  SYGMA.eSport (9558929)
10/01/16 06:46h leave_team  SYGMA.eSport (9558929)
14/02/16 07:17h join_team  dIversE (8980159)
07/03/16 16:55h join_league  ESL Play ESL One Cologne 2016 1on1 Aim Handgun Ticket Challenge #2 Europe
15/03/16 14:04h join_team  odin.BF4 (9964641)
25/07/16 07:18h wanna_join_league  ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 Regional Summer Cup Qualifier #1 2016 Southeast Europe
25/07/16 07:38h join_league  ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 Regional Summer Cup Qualifier #1 2016 Southeast Europe
04/09/16 07:01h join_team  Aimless (10459669)
04/09/16 07:42h join_team  Deleted account (10459883)
24/09/16 17:53h join_team  SynaticZ (10488385)
09/07/17 07:44h team_kick  Aimless (10459669) / by Deleted account (8136460)
28/07/17 14:39h team_kick  Deleted account (10459883) / by Deleted account (8136460)
27/02/19 06:11h join_team  Deleted account (13345185)
27/02/19 14:21h leave_team  odin.BF4 (9964641)
09/03/19 03:43h increase_trustlevel  0 -> 1
15/03/19 17:15h join_league  ESL Play Magyar Admin Liga CS:GO 1on1 #1 Kvalifikáció
17/03/19 18:05h join_league  ESL Play Magyar Admin Liga CS:GO 1on1 #2 Kvalifikáció
25/03/19 17:11h leave_team  SynaticZ (10488385)
25/03/19 17:11h leave_team  dIversE (8980159)
25/03/19 17:15h register_team  Deleted account (13524411)
11/04/19 16:27h team_kick  Deleted account (13345185) / by Deleted account (12345473)
20/07/19 15:36h join_league  ESL Play Magyar Admin Kupa #15 - PokerTH
26/02/20 13:08h join_team  PUBG Test team 1 (14841599)
26/02/20 15:06h join_roster  for team #14841599 in PUBG Squad MNEB S2 Open Qualifier #1 Hungary #206622 by #1410239
27/02/20 12:46h join_roster  for team #14841599 in MNEB TEST #207109 by #1410239
27/02/20 16:49h join_roster  for team #14841599 in PUBG Squad MNEB S2 Open Qualifier #1 Hungary #206622 by #1410239
05/03/22 23:48h decrease_trustlevel  1 -> 0