Sudden  id: 79984
created Platform action
17/12/01 18:23h register_team  Deleted account (207414)
17/12/01 20:02h register_team  Deleted account (207523)
10/07/02 20:38h register_team  Deleted account (307736)
05/12/02 08:21h join_league  Ger Chess 1on1 Ladder
28/01/03 20:04h leave_league  Ger Chess 1on1 Ladder
30/01/03 12:10h register_team  DarkStorm.Orcane EAS (428498)
13/02/03 08:56h register_team  Deleted account (437024)
13/02/03 11:11h team_kick  Deleted account (437024)
14/02/03 10:32h team_kick  DarkStorm.Orcane EAS (428498)
18/07/03 08:23h register_team  Deleted account (550969)
18/07/03 08:28h team_kick  Deleted account (550969) / by Deleted account (13374)
21/12/03 14:33h register_team  Deleted account (660242)
21/12/03 14:49h leave_team  Deleted account (660242)
03/01/04 10:29h register_team  DarkStorm (670320)
18/01/04 16:59h register_team  Deleted account (684107)
18/01/04 17:01h team_kick  Deleted account (684107)
01/06/06 15:05h increase_trustlevel  0 -> 2
26/10/06 08:55h increase_trustlevel  2 -> 3
28/04/07 13:16h join_team  Deleted account (2446376)
30/04/07 09:00h register_team  Offentsichtlich perverse alte Saecke (2450432)
26/05/07 19:50h leave_team  Deleted account (2446376)
26/05/07 19:55h join_team  The Good The Bad and The Ugly (2503073)
20/06/07 17:48h register_team  DarkStorm.Twister EAS (2554935)
25/07/07 10:02h register_team  Deleted account (2624606)
13/08/07 08:07h register_team  Deleted account (2660855)
14/04/08 15:53h register_team  DarkStorm.Twister Int. Mr 15 (3178403)
28/07/08 09:28h register_team  Darkstorm INT MR15 (3396683)
01/08/08 06:06h register_team  The Persuaders (3405995)
10/12/08 16:58h register_team  Tales from the Crypt (3701696)
14/01/09 15:43h first_login_america 
17/07/09 12:00h first_login_esportsaward 
21/10/09 17:32h first_login_esltv 
21/10/09 17:32h first_login_eslworld 
16/05/10 21:26h decrease_trustlevel  3 -> 0
01/06/10 15:58h increase_trustlevel  0 -> 3
02/10/10 06:24h join_team  DarkStorm.Sc2 (5351149)
27/02/12 13:17h join_league  Europe Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 1on1 Beta Key Raffle
27/05/13 19:25h decrease_trustlevel  3 -> 0
30/04/21 12:45h team_kick  Tales from the Crypt (3701696) / by Daemon (3)
30/04/21 12:45h team_kick  The Persuaders (3405995) / by Daemon (3)
30/04/21 12:45h team_kick  DarkStorm.Sc2 (5351149) / by Daemon (3)
30/04/21 12:45h team_kick  DarkStorm.Twister EAS (2554935) / by Daemon (3)
30/04/21 12:45h team_kick  DarkStorm (185600) / by Daemon (3)
30/04/21 12:45h team_kick  DarkStorm.Twister Int. Mr 15 (3178403) / by Daemon (3)
30/04/21 12:45h team_kick  Offentsichtlich perverse alte Saecke (2450432) / by Daemon (3)
30/04/21 12:45h team_kick  DarkStorm (670320) / by Daemon (3)
30/04/21 12:45h team_kick  Darkstorm INT MR15 (3396683) / by Daemon (3)
30/04/21 12:45h team_kick  The Good The Bad and The Ugly (2503073) / by Daemon (3)