gammer  id: 8015068
created Platform action
26/10/13 12:24h first_login_default 
15/11/13 07:00h first_login_esltv 
12/06/14 15:34h join_team  FOFOS - 7v7 (8344372)
19/07/14 11:20h register_team  TASC- 3 on3 (8520309)
19/07/14 11:31h join_team  TASC - 3on3 (8227338)
17/09/14 11:20h join_team platinum (8543215)
20/09/14 11:15h team_kick platinum (8543215) / by Deleted account (8383800)
08/11/14 12:46h join_team  Raging wolves (8727543)
14/11/14 10:38h wanna_join_league  CZSK World of Tanks 1on1 Heavy Cup 23
14/11/14 10:38h join_league  CZSK World of Tanks 1on1 Heavy Cup 23
16/11/14 10:31h join_league  ESL Play World of Tanks Europe Open World of Tanks Open Fun Ladder 1on1 Europe
07/12/14 07:48h join_team  Outcasts - 7on7 (8638319)
07/12/14 10:57h register_team  Mofos (8785633)
08/12/14 16:43h register_team  F0M0S (8788674)
08/12/14 16:43h join_team platinum (8543215)
13/12/14 07:28h team_kick  FOFOS - 7v7 (8344372) / by Deleted account (8455667)
29/12/14 19:11h inactivity_kick  ESL Play World of Tanks Europe Open World of Tanks Open Fun Ladder 1on1 Europe
02/01/15 14:44h team_kick  Outcasts - 7on7 (8638319) / by T00M52 (6978229)
06/02/15 11:40h wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 1on1 Heavy Cup #26 CZSK
06/02/15 11:40h join_league  ESL Play WoT 1on1 Heavy Cup #26 CZSK
07/02/15 10:47h register_team platinum (8898776)
17/03/15 12:45h join_team  Ebola La La 3on3 Ace Cups (8737155)
22/03/15 06:26h join_team  Go4500gold (7947370)
28/03/15 07:04h join_team  Fraternitas (8809743)
09/06/15 13:14h join_team  ANV 7on7 (7773164)
27/06/15 10:22h join_team  Bratri Cesi (8929192)
11/07/15 10:57h team_kick  Bratri Cesi (8929192) / by nevim1 (6839646)
08/09/15 13:11h join_team  Game_ 3v3 (9134702)
26/09/15 12:08h team_kick  Fraternitas (8809743) / by Deleted account (7494282)
06/12/15 14:26h team_kick  Go4500gold (7947370) / by nevim1 (6839646)
10/12/15 11:35h team_kick  Ebola La La 3on3 Ace Cups (8737155) / by nevim1 (6839646)
27/01/16 13:54h team_kick  Game_ 3v3 (9134702) / by Deleted account (8230825)
21/03/16 13:40h join_team  Deleted account (9984106)
09/05/16 12:53h join_team  Deleted account (9991359)
24/05/16 15:45h team_kick  Deleted account (9991359) / by Deleted account (1082542)
26/05/16 11:18h join_team  Happy Tree Friends (10139884)
27/06/16 13:07h team_kick  Happy Tree Friends (10139884) / by Deleted account (1082542)
14/07/16 12:31h join_team  Happy Tree Friends (10139884)
27/07/16 13:11h join_team  Deleted account (10282445)
16/01/17 11:05h join_team  UNICORN (10646391)
16/01/17 16:35h team_kick  UNICORN (10646391) / by Deleted account (8626629)
26/01/17 16:28h register_team  NoName (10886537)
05/02/17 11:19h join_team  GHOSTS (10919660)
06/02/17 12:49h team_kick  Deleted account (9984106) / by Margot (7903197)
08/10/22 12:23h team_kick  Mofos (8785633) / by Daemon (3)
08/10/22 12:23h team_kick  F0M0S (8788674) / by Daemon (3)
08/10/22 12:23h team_kick platinum (8543215) / by Daemon (3)
08/10/22 12:23h team_kick  ANV 7on7 (7773164) / by Daemon (3)
08/10/22 12:23h team_kick  NoName (10886537) / by Daemon (3)
08/10/22 12:23h team_kick  TASC- 3 on3 (8520309) / by Daemon (3)
08/10/22 12:23h team_kick  TASC - 3on3 (8227338) / by Daemon (3)
08/10/22 12:23h team_kick  GHOSTS (10919660) / by Daemon (3)
08/10/22 12:23h team_kick  Raging wolves (8727543) / by Daemon (3)
08/10/22 12:23h team_kick platinum (8898776) / by Daemon (3)
08/10/22 12:23h team_kick  Happy Tree Friends (10139884) / by Daemon (3)