BNC  id: 8017579
created Platform action
27/10/13 12:39h first_login_default 
06/01/15 10:14h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone Europe Hearthstone Open Goblins vs Gnomes: Explosive Experiments #6
06/01/15 13:08h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Dota 2 Europe Dota 2 Open Dota 2 Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
06/01/15 15:06h join_league  ESL Play Dota 2 Europe Dota 2 Open Dota 2 Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
17/02/15 09:33h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone 1on1 Grand Gaming Series Qualifier #1 Romania
17/02/15 09:33h join_league  ESL Play China vs Europe - Qualifier #7
17/02/15 09:35h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone 1on1 Grand Gaming Series Qualifier #1 Romania
18/02/15 19:16h inactivity_kick  ESL Play Dota 2 Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
19/02/15 11:23h join_league  ESL Play China vs Europe - Qualifier #8
19/02/15 15:25h wanna_join_league  ESL Play ESL Hearthstone Legendary Series Katowice #1
19/02/15 17:50h join_league  ESL Play ESL Hearthstone Legendary Series Katowice #1
21/02/15 07:40h wanna_join_league  ESL Play ESL HS Legendary Series Katowice #1 - Europe
21/02/15 07:43h join_league  ESL Play ESL HS Legendary Series Katowice #1 - Europe
23/02/15 08:18h wanna_join_league  ESL Play ESL HS Legendary Series Katowice #2 - Europe
23/02/15 08:33h join_league  ESL Play ESL HS Legendary Series Katowice #2 - Europe
01/03/15 02:26h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone 1on1 Grand Gaming Series Qualifier #2 Romania
01/03/15 03:35h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone 1on1 Grand Gaming Series Qualifier #2 Romania
08/03/15 08:06h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone 1on1 Grand Gaming Series Qualifier #3 Romania
08/03/15 08:20h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone 1on1 Grand Gaming Series Qualifier #3 Romania
15/03/15 05:45h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone 1on1 Grand Gaming Series Qualifier #4 Romania
15/03/15 07:08h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone 1on1 Grand Gaming Series Qualifier #4 Romania
05/04/15 07:24h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone 1on1 Grand Gaming Series Qualifier #6 Romania
05/04/15 07:35h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone 1on1 Grand Gaming Series Qualifier #6 Romania
18/06/15 09:57h join_team  Warriors of Arendale (9009936)
09/07/15 14:23h join_team  Mongol Five (9225863)
13/07/15 14:16h wanna_join_league  ESL Play BluFlame Hearthstone Cup Qualifier #1 Romania
13/07/15 16:19h join_league  ESL Play BluFlame Hearthstone Cup Qualifier #1 Romania
30/07/15 07:21h wanna_join_league  ESL Play BluFlame Hearthstone Cup Qualifier #2 Romania
30/07/15 08:19h join_league  ESL Play BluFlame Hearthstone Cup Qualifier #2 Romania
24/09/15 12:41h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Dota 2 1on1 Challenge Europe September 2015 - Cup #4
24/09/15 12:44h join_league  ESL Play Dota 2 1on1 Challenge Europe September 2015 - Cup #4
04/10/15 07:35h join_team  Whatever we lose anyway (9451603)
18/10/15 13:35h join_team  rambo sukas (9487093)
25/10/15 05:12h leave_team  Whatever we lose anyway (9451603)
25/10/15 05:12h leave_team  Mongol Five (9225863)
25/10/15 05:12h leave_team  Warriors of Arendale (9009936)
25/10/15 05:55h team_kick  rambo sukas (9487093) / by Deleted account (3591263)
07/05/16 09:18h join_team  BEASTMODE (10093428)
18/11/16 16:10h join_team  BlowYourMind (10542478)
11/03/17 16:14h join_team  TeamMoriarty (10541536)
11/03/17 16:23h join_team  Deleted account (11038716)
30/07/17 07:09h team_kick  Deleted account (11038716) / by Mikefury- (4836319)
30/07/17 07:10h register_team  Deleted account (11572922)
14/10/17 17:38h join_team  Amazing Dota 2 Players (11809762)
22/10/17 07:35h join_team  Moriarty Romania (11695984)
26/11/17 07:54h join_team  Natum Spes Dota (11767601)
02/12/17 12:04h join_team  Deleted account (11708327)
03/12/17 00:41h team_kick  Amazing Dota 2 Players (11809762) / by Deleted account (7315893)
03/12/17 06:37h team_kick  Natum Spes Dota (11767601) / by Deleted account (9344171)
11/04/18 12:11h join_team  Deleted account (11038716)
13/04/18 16:39h team_kick  Moriarty Romania (11695984) / by MemeTz0R (5328979)
16/09/18 12:54h join_team  Moriarty Romania (11695984)
03/10/18 15:01h join_team  Deleted account (12860538)
23/11/18 16:41h leave_team  BEASTMODE (10093428)
23/11/18 16:42h leave_team  BlowYourMind (10542478)
23/11/18 16:42h leave_team  Deleted account (11708327)
23/11/18 16:42h leave_team  Moriarty Romania (11695984)
23/11/18 16:42h leave_team  TeamMoriarty (10541536)
23/11/18 16:43h leave_team  Deleted account (12860538)
24/11/18 06:26h join_team  UNCHAINED ESPORTS (8442222)
23/01/19 13:16h join_team  Deleted account (13216308)
05/02/19 03:53h team_kick  UNCHAINED ESPORTS (8442222) / by lopan (12332190)
08/05/20 07:05h join_team  No Bounty Hunter (9009236)
26/06/21 06:05h register_team  No DawnBreaker (16994286)
06/08/21 13:24h join_team  DIVIZON (16906776)
07/08/21 10:27h team_kick  DIVIZON (16906776) / by Nukkumatti (12206682)
04/11/21 11:48h join_team  NBH (13059327)
26/02/22 10:49h team_kick  NBH (13059327) / by kAAN (7631252)
27/02/22 05:29h join_team  11Monkeyz (17517130)
24/05/22 07:01h team_kick  No Bounty Hunter (9009236) / by Flash (7609578)