created | Platform | action |
29/12/13 08:23h | first_login_default | |
22/02/14 08:56h | join_team Zero Sum NatterJacks (8252790) | |
12/07/14 07:27h | join_team Infinite Sky Gaming (8508798) | |
13/07/14 05:38h | leave_team Zero Sum NatterJacks (8252790) | |
20/09/14 17:15h | leave_team Infinite Sky Gaming (8508798) | |
20/09/14 17:15h | join_team ISG - Infinite Sky Gaming (8630287) | |
22/10/14 09:11h | leave_team ISG - Infinite Sky Gaming (8630287) | |
11/11/14 20:05h | first_login_america | |
25/11/14 15:01h | join_team ISG - Infinite Sky Gaming (8630287) | |
25/11/14 15:02h | leave_team ISG - Infinite Sky Gaming (8630287) | |
25/11/14 15:04h | join_team Princes of Zeytinköy (8763490) | |
31/01/15 18:30h | join_team Renex Gaming (8429373) | |
31/01/15 18:33h | leave_team Princes of Zeytinköy (8763490) | |
28/02/15 17:31h | join_team 5 Supernovas (8948027) | |
28/02/15 17:35h | leave_team Renex Gaming (8429373) | |
21/03/15 13:15h | leave_team 5 Supernovas (8948027) | |
21/03/15 16:24h | join_team ZALIMLAR (8991232) | |
19/04/15 06:04h | leave_team ZALIMLAR (8991232) | |
19/04/15 06:05h | join_team 380 VOLT (8630512) | |
16/05/15 16:10h | leave_team 380 VOLT (8630512) | |
16/05/15 16:10h | join_team Raid Blue (9114039) | |
23/05/15 15:21h | team_kick Raid Blue (9114039) / by Deleted account (7433682) | |
07/06/15 05:55h | join_team Pixel Gaming Club (8988851) | |
22/06/15 08:07h | join_team Z1 (9190579) | |
22/06/15 08:07h | leave_team Pixel Gaming Club (8988851) | |
08/08/15 03:38h | wanna_join_league ESL Play ESL StarCraft 2 Yaz Ligi #2 - Türkiye | |
08/08/15 04:01h | join_league ESL Play Go4SC2 Europe Cup #496 (€150) | |
08/08/15 04:17h | join_league ESL Play ESL StarCraft 2 Yaz Ligi #2 - Türkiye | |
09/08/15 18:17h | wanna_join_league ESL Play SC2 Bronze/Silver/Gold Cup #468 Europe | |
09/08/15 18:19h | join_league ESL Play Go4SC2 Europe Cup #497 | |
09/08/15 18:19h | join_league ESL Play Go4SC2 Europe Cup #497 | |
11/08/15 10:55h | wanna_join_league ESL Play ESL StarCraft 2 Yaz Ligi #3 - Türkiye | |
12/08/15 11:01h | join_league ESL Play SC2 King of Cup #102 Europe (Iron Fortress LE) | |
13/08/15 07:50h | join_league ESL Play SC2 Late Night Cup #252 Europe | |
14/08/15 17:01h | join_league ESL Play ESL StarCraft 2 Yaz Ligi #3 - Türkiye | |
18/08/15 08:16h | join_league ESL Play SC2 Bronze/Silver/Gold Cup #468 Europe | |
22/08/15 07:42h | join_league ESL Play Go4SC2 Europe Cup #500 (€150) | |
27/10/15 11:54h | leave_team Z1 (9190579) | |
30/10/15 20:56h | join_team Mustafa Egemen (9528319) | |
21/12/15 05:29h | join_team Deu Oynak Team (9689952) | |
21/12/15 05:29h | leave_team Mustafa Egemen (9528319) | |
04/07/16 13:22h | join_team Deleted account (9100754) | |
31/10/16 12:31h | leave_team Deleted account (9100754) | |
02/11/16 13:04h | leave_team Deu Oynak Team (9689952) | |
02/11/16 13:05h | join_team SAW Esports (10478681) | |
21/01/17 07:46h | join_team Rage2017 (10457934) | |
21/01/17 07:46h | leave_team SAW Esports (10478681) | |
01/02/17 12:22h | register_team Deu Pass Insiders (10907209) | |
19/02/17 05:56h | join_team ESL kuralları ve biz (10702881) | |
23/02/17 15:26h | leave_team ESL kuralları ve biz (10702881) | |
08/04/17 16:40h | team_kick Rage2017 (10457934) / by Deleted account (8284154) | |
07/05/17 06:20h | join_team ArchAngels E-Sports (11095546) | |
27/05/17 11:09h | join_team MÜSLÜMAN UYUMA (10766211) | |
25/01/18 07:58h | leave_team ArchAngels E-Sports (11095546) | |
25/01/18 07:59h | leave_team MÜSLÜMAN UYUMA (10766211) | |
29/08/22 10:14h | join_team Ayılar (17577288) |