maniakjob  id: 8294422
created Platform action
16/03/14 07:06h first_login_default 
16/03/14 07:39h join_team  Dutch Reloaded - Easy Riders (7331925)
27/05/14 11:24h leave_team  Dutch Reloaded - Easy Riders (7331925)
27/05/14 11:26h register_team  We Dont Care (8430528)
27/07/15 05:14h join_team  TheLegends (9271990)
09/11/15 08:44h leave_team  TheLegends (9271990)
09/11/15 08:44h join_team  baptized in dirty water (9554126)
10/11/15 09:53h join_team  we don t care (9556201)
03/12/15 11:25h register_team  TheScubaDiveLobsterJoeTheShoe (9614085)
21/12/15 13:18h join_league  ESL Play WoT Open 1on1 Fun Ladder Europe
14/01/16 11:45h join_team  The Force Is Strong (9513811)
01/02/16 11:40h register_team  Uhhhm I forgot (9813357)
04/02/16 12:39h join_team  Order Amongst Chaos (9499931)
14/02/16 13:20h leave_league  ESL Play WoT Open 1on1 Fun Ladder Europe
28/02/16 11:06h join_team  Asterion 2vs2 (9918810)
17/04/16 07:47h join_team  Order Amongst Chaos (10045275)
05/11/16 16:22h join_team  iSuperSquad (10272613)
18/12/16 10:45h team_kick  iSuperSquad (10272613) / by Deleted account (9472503)
03/02/17 12:11h leave_team  Asterion 2vs2 (9918810)
03/02/17 12:12h leave_team  we don t care (9556201)
03/02/17 12:12h leave_team  Order Amongst Chaos (10045275)
03/02/17 12:12h leave_team  Order Amongst Chaos (9499931)
03/02/17 12:13h leave_team  The Force Is Strong (9513811)
04/02/17 06:58h join_team  RiCoChet (10912987)
04/02/17 07:02h team_kick  RiCoChet (10912987) / by Deleted account (10885312)
14/05/17 08:26h join_team  FreshmanZ (11281871)
04/06/17 07:24h team_kick  FreshmanZ (11281871) / by Deleted account (10321306)