created | Platform | action |
07/06/04 17:18h | first_login | |
07/06/04 17:56h | join_team Deleted account (829806) | |
07/06/04 19:15h | join_team Deleted account (829843) | |
28/08/04 07:21h | join_team Deleted account (912188) | |
30/08/04 16:56h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty 1on1 Ladder | |
05/09/04 19:14h | team_kick Deleted account (912188) / by Deleted account (222) | |
06/09/04 16:58h | join_team Deleted account (922913) | |
14/09/04 15:54h | team_kick Deleted account (922913) / by (-) | |
18/12/04 16:50h | join_team Spielerbank Harz (888888) | |
18/12/04 17:16h | join_team Spielerbank 1st (782137) | |
03/01/05 15:09h | join_team Deleted account (1006584) | |
28/01/05 10:30h | team_kick Deleted account (1006584) | |
16/02/05 13:22h | join_team Most Wanted CoD Squad (752688) | |
05/03/05 11:36h | team_kick Deleted account (829806) / by Deleted account (331) | |
05/03/05 11:40h | team_kick Deleted account (829843) / by fRaNkE (551) | |
12/03/05 13:01h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty 1on1 Ladder | |
12/03/05 15:44h | join_league Ger Call of Duty 1on1 Ladder | |
13/03/05 11:43h | join_team FantasticTwo (1163703) | |
16/06/05 15:39h | team_kick Most Wanted CoD Squad (752688) | |
20/09/05 06:17h | join_team Most Wanted CoD Squad (752688) | |
20/09/05 06:18h | join_team Most Wanted CoD Squad (1093141) | |
01/10/05 07:32h | join_team Deleted account (1296156) | |
31/10/05 15:00h | join_team n1cOOOOO (1391546) | |
26/12/05 02:20h | join_team Deleted account (1246692) | |
27/01/06 17:23h | team_kick Most Wanted CoD Squad (752688) | |
27/01/06 18:18h | team_kick Most Wanted CoD Squad (1093141) | |
19/06/06 19:45h | join_team Deleted account (1839619) | |
10/08/06 08:47h | team_kick Deleted account (1246692) | |
29/10/06 14:47h | team_kick Deleted account (1296156) | |
06/11/06 10:45h | join_team WernigerodeEsportHochburg (2007163) | |
08/12/06 16:37h | team_kick FantasticTwo (1163703) | |
25/01/07 04:44h | team_kick Deleted account (1839619) / by (-) | |
26/03/07 07:50h | team_kick Spielerbank Harz (888888) | |
24/08/08 08:20h | change_xfire -> r4mses | |
26/08/08 06:56h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
26/08/08 08:07h | join_league Ger Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
28/08/08 06:02h | first_login_sports | |
30/08/08 04:10h | first_login_esltv | |
03/09/08 08:38h | first_login_eslworld | |
07/09/08 13:48h | join_team Deleted account (3038194) | |
07/09/08 13:49h | join_team Deleted account (3426524) | |
07/09/08 13:49h | join_team Deleted account (3426525) | |
11/09/08 18:03h | leave_league Ger Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
22/09/08 11:23h | increase_trustlevel 0 -> 1 | |
22/09/08 11:25h | increase_trustlevel 1 -> 2 | |
07/10/08 12:11h | register_team Deleted account (3554019) | |
08/10/08 19:19h | first_login_esportsaward | |
09/10/08 15:54h | register_team E.N.D.G.E.G.N.E.R (3558924) | |
21/11/08 12:17h | team_kick Deleted account (3426524) / by Deleted account (33) | |
21/11/08 12:18h | team_kick Deleted account (3426525) / by Deleted account (55) | |
19/12/08 13:08h | team_kick Deleted account (3038194) / by Deleted account (2011310) | |
16/07/10 03:48h | first_login_consoles | |
16/07/10 03:48h | first_login_consoles | |
18/09/10 19:43h | decrease_trustlevel 2 -> 0 | |
15/11/10 10:11h | increase_trustlevel 0 -> 2 | |
09/03/11 13:46h | first_login_consoles | |
09/03/11 13:46h | first_login_consoles | |
11/03/11 15:15h | first_login_consoles | |
11/03/11 15:15h | first_login_consoles | |
22/10/13 15:53h | first_login_consoles | |
10/11/13 19:26h | decrease_trustlevel 2 -> 0 | |
22/12/16 12:52h | first_login_sm | |
23/05/24 06:00h | leave_league ESL Play Premium Players November 2017 | |
23/05/24 06:00h | team_kick Spielerbank 1st (782137) / by Daemon (3) | |
23/05/24 06:00h | team_kick n1cOOOOO (1391546) / by Daemon (3) | |
23/05/24 06:00h | team_kick WernigerodeEsportHochburg (2007163) / by Daemon (3) | |
23/05/24 06:00h | team_kick E.N.D.G.E.G.N.E.R (3558924) / by Daemon (3) |