Abreu  id: 8336665
created Platform action
09/04/14 14:43h first_login_america 
13/04/14 15:13h join_league  BR FIFA World 1on1 Qualificatória #1
29/04/14 10:47h join_team  SIOUX GAMING (8369089)
03/05/14 12:42h first_login_default 
07/05/14 05:04h join_league  BR FIFA World 1on1 Qualificatória #2
17/05/14 13:10h join_league  BR FIFA World 1on1 Qualificatória #3
20/05/14 14:30h join_league  BR FIFA World 1on1 Qualificatória #4
23/06/14 19:00h wanna_join_league  BR FIFA World 1on1 ESL Open Ladder
23/06/14 22:03h join_league  BR FIFA World 1on1 ESL Open Ladder
05/09/14 17:37h change_xfire  -> felipeabreu99
05/09/14 17:38h join_league  BR FIFA World Go4FIFAWorld 1on1 Qualificatória #01 ( 06 de Setembro )
11/09/14 15:34h join_league  BR FIFA World Go4FIFAWorld 1on1 Qualificatória #02 ( 13 de Setembro )
15/09/14 16:28h join_team  Deleted account (8622350)
20/09/14 12:58h join_league  BR FIFA World Go4FIFAWorld 1on1 Qualificatória #03 ( 20 de Setembro )
26/09/14 21:15h team_kick  Deleted account (8622350) / by Deleted account (8368883)
28/09/14 14:36h register_team  Assault Team (8644260)
14/10/14 23:00h team_kick  SIOUX GAMING (8369089) / by Deleted account (8285486)
10/05/15 17:33h join_team  Open the tcheka (8628824)
28/06/15 02:50h join_team  Limited Edition Gaming (9100951)
28/06/15 14:41h team_kick  Open the tcheka (8628824) / by Deleted account (8376233)
10/07/15 19:47h register_team  Deleted account (9229811)
15/07/15 00:27h register_team  Deleted account (9241208)
24/09/15 18:54h join_team  Open the tcheka (8628824)
24/09/15 23:43h team_kick  Open the tcheka (8628824) / by Deleted account (8376233)
24/09/15 23:44h leave_team  Open the tcheka (8628824)
16/02/16 16:16h join_team  voiD.Seagate (9876670)
06/03/16 22:15h team_kick  voiD.Seagate (9876670) / by Deleted account (8096512)
06/03/16 22:18h join_team  FaZe Clan (9876978)
18/03/16 21:23h register_team  Team Abreu (9975398)
07/05/16 18:35h team_kick  FaZe Clan (9876978) / by IntacT (9876975)
21/05/16 20:33h join_team  BRK Esports (9877360)
31/07/16 16:29h team_kick  BRK Esports (9877360) / by Valvreiss (8371779)
24/11/16 17:01h join_team  Team UNITED (9877451)
27/12/16 14:32h join_team  Orgless (9877579)
27/12/16 22:30h team_kick  Team UNITED (9877451) / by chuckpira (5887727)
13/02/17 18:44h join_team  Deleted account (5804021)
20/08/17 17:02h join_team  Amigos do zyoN (11645921)
27/08/17 11:45h team_kick  Amigos do zyoN (11645921) / by Deleted account (9908923)
30/08/17 19:47h join_team  Amigos do zyoN (11645921)
05/11/17 09:40h join_team  HEHE BOY (11698242)
26/11/17 08:39h join_team  Deleted account (11933063)
01/12/17 16:51h join_team  Deleted account (11879590)
02/12/17 15:44h team_kick  Deleted account (11879590) / by pdr1n (10212552)
11/02/18 09:20h join_team  Deleted account (12177616)
22/04/18 10:50h join_team  Borinelli Team (12426699)
26/05/18 17:51h team_kick  Borinelli Team (12426699) / by Deleted account (10167421)
01/06/18 16:40h join_team  pokas ideias (12511772)
21/07/18 23:49h team_kick  pokas ideias (12511772) / by Deleted account (10167421)
25/08/18 22:11h join_team  pokas ideias (12511772)
25/08/18 22:17h join_team  CansadosTeam (12196384)
02/06/19 10:56h team_kick  HEHE BOY (11698242) / by iblkZ (6973058)
20/08/19 20:06h join_team  Deleted account (14030707)
01/09/19 12:57h team_kick  Orgless (9877579) / by Deleted account (7796206)
03/11/19 06:45h join_team  baixa renda team (14263116)
07/11/19 13:33h join_team  Kickados e Injustiçados (14300668)
07/11/19 16:45h leave_team  Amigos do zyoN (11645921)
07/11/19 16:45h leave_team  Assault Team (8644260)
07/11/19 16:45h leave_team  Assault Team (8644260)
07/11/19 16:46h leave_team  Assault Team (8644260)
07/11/19 16:46h leave_team  baixa renda team (14263116)
07/11/19 16:46h leave_team  pokas ideias (12511772)
10/02/20 20:15h join_team  N/A ORG (12586204)
19/11/21 10:14h team_kick  N/A ORG (12586204) / by freezao (10034776)
27/05/22 20:06h register_team  w7m esports (17553306)