Nick 'Nio' Kartamyschew  id: 8391316
created Platform action
10/05/14 09:24h first_login_default 
10/05/14 09:29h join_team  Discipline Gaming (8370281)
13/07/15 12:44h join_team  Hyper.CS (9237714)
13/07/15 12:51h join_league  ESL Play LoL 1on1 Club Demacia #80 Germany
14/07/15 12:51h join_league  ESL Play LoL EU West 1on1 Proving Grounds #161
06/08/15 14:46h team_kick  Hyper.CS (9237714) / by Deleted account (8543820)
08/11/15 05:39h register_team  Instalok Logic Gaming (9550731)
30/11/15 12:33h wanna_join_league  ESL Play LoL 1on1 Club Demacia #99 Germany
30/11/15 12:53h join_league  ESL Play LoL 1on1 Club Demacia #99 Germany
11/12/15 11:59h register_team  Forces of the Cold (9652771)
11/12/15 12:02h leave_team  Discipline Gaming (8370281)
11/12/15 12:04h leave_team  Instalok Logic Gaming (9550731)
16/01/16 15:17h join_team  Invictius (9762436)
05/03/16 14:02h register_team  Deleted account (9935287)
05/03/16 14:03h register_team  Deleted account (9935296)
17/04/16 06:59h team_kick  Invictius (9762436) / by Dayaa (8142363)
23/04/16 08:05h leave_team  Forces of the Cold (9652771)
15/05/16 06:22h join_team  Zilean in Brazilian (10117506)
15/07/16 17:04h team_kick  Zilean in Brazilian (10117506) / by Deleted account (10117486)
19/11/16 10:56h register_team  Deleted account (10682981)
07/02/17 12:32h join_team  Helden des Lichts (9983624)
18/02/17 13:05h join_team  Deleted account (10699195)
19/03/17 10:30h leave_team  Deleted account (10699195)
22/04/17 15:51h join_team  Deleted account (11027710)
08/05/17 11:16h leave_team  Helden des Lichts (9983624)
08/05/17 11:26h leave_team  Deleted account (9935287)
16/05/17 06:54h register_team  Deleted account (11310413)
19/05/17 15:34h wanna_join_league  SM DGS Saison 2017 - 1on1 Hearthstone Anmeldung
20/05/17 09:36h join_league  SM DGS Saison 2017 - 1on1 Hearthstone Anmeldung
11/07/17 12:45h join_team  Was los Digga ARAM (10428639)
11/07/17 12:47h leave_team  Deleted account (11027710)
30/07/17 08:39h register_team  Deleted account (11573414)
08/09/17 05:49h join_team  EYES ON U (11692641)
27/10/17 18:08h register_team  FAUST eSports (11857029)
03/12/17 07:39h leave_team  FAUST eSports (11857029)
20/01/18 08:56h increase_trustlevel  0 -> 1
14/02/18 17:02h join_team  EYES ON U (12192006)
20/06/18 07:38h increase_trustlevel  1 -> 3
19/08/18 05:38h register_team  Deleted account (12749756)
27/09/18 06:18h leave_team  Was los Digga ARAM (10428639)
27/09/18 06:19h leave_team  Deleted account (11310413)
09/12/18 08:23h join_team  Invictius (9762436)
14/01/19 08:16h leave_team  Invictius (9762436)
14/01/19 08:17h leave_team  EYES ON U (11692641)
14/01/19 08:17h leave_team  EYES ON U (12192006)
14/01/19 11:33h join_team  TKA E-Sports (13180979)
17/01/19 15:34h join_team  TKA E-Sports Academy (13192919)
05/05/19 14:12h join_team  Project Midalee (13662687)
05/05/19 14:12h leave_team  TKA E-Sports (13180979)
05/05/19 14:12h leave_team  TKA E-Sports Academy (13192919)
06/06/19 10:52h join_team  Invictius (9762436)
25/07/19 15:59h join_team  xLube gang (13922348)
19/01/21 23:27h decrease_trustlevel  3 -> 0