Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (2) Contacts & Buddies (0) Rating Gameaccounts History ec1s id: 8424724 created Platform action 24/05/14 08:01h first_login_default 24/05/14 08:04h register_team Deleted account (8424727) 12/10/14 07:42h join_team Deleted account (8664201) 12/11/14 12:10h team_kick Deleted account (8664201) / by Deleted account (8379695) 29/11/14 14:13h join_team Deleted account (8771325) 24/01/15 20:22h register_team Deleted account (8868162) 22/02/15 08:49h join_team Deleted account (8931083) 24/04/15 13:00h team_kick Deleted account (8771325) / by Deleted account (8379695) 24/04/15 13:12h join_team Pug Masters (9064553) 07/06/15 08:46h join_team Deleted account (9159430) 20/06/15 17:31h leave_team Deleted account (9159430) 04/07/15 15:06h team_kick Pug Masters (9064553) / by Deleted account (8379695) 03/09/15 12:05h join_team Deleted account (9249433) 14/10/15 16:46h team_kick Deleted account (9249433) / by Deleted account (8990166) 17/03/16 17:49h join_team playhack (9950382) 26/03/16 20:50h join_team TeamMixUK (9962524) 28/03/16 11:34h team_kick TeamMixUK (9962524) / by Deleted account (9262243) 28/03/16 12:37h team_kick playhack (9950382) / by Deleted account (8201329) 05/08/16 14:28h join_team BYOCheats (10356714) 05/08/16 19:25h join_team Deleted account (10358938) 07/08/16 17:55h team_kick Deleted account (10358938) / by Deleted account (8361326) 13/08/16 19:51h join_team obvious hacks (10394993) 17/08/16 20:01h team_kick obvious hacks (10394993) / by Deleted account (8990166) 22/08/16 17:40h leave_team Deleted account (8931083) 03/10/16 11:50h join_team Millwall Bushwackers (10280120) 10/10/16 12:05h join_team To Be Discussed (10504814) 23/12/16 01:53h first_login_sm 27/12/16 20:32h register_team OnlyInRetakes (10787586) 27/12/16 20:34h leave_team Millwall Bushwackers (10280120) 08/05/17 12:13h join_team Radix Esports (10483808) 29/05/17 16:52h team_kick Radix Esports (10483808) / by Deleted account (10440994) 08/09/17 13:30h join_team Radix Esports (10483808) 12/03/18 16:58h join_team WE HAWT (12284693) 21/07/18 15:51h join_team Fnatic Academy (12662529) 27/08/19 10:35h join_team Vexed Gaming (14060721) 22/05/21 16:28h join_team boydem (16898447)