created | Platform | action |
17/07/14 16:42h | first_login_default | |
17/07/14 16:48h | join_team THE POWER OF THE MENTE (8130406) | |
20/07/14 09:38h | join_team Deleted account (8521148) | |
10/11/14 09:29h | team_kick THE POWER OF THE MENTE (8130406) / by zito (5311833) | |
14/11/14 10:24h | join_team anTraX Gaming (5142545) | |
24/11/14 16:53h | join_team IBERCOOL CS:GO (8638216) | |
24/11/14 16:53h | join_team IBERCOOL (8635857) | |
03/05/15 14:28h | join_team LeveLUP (7905839) | |
10/05/15 13:06h | join_team Our luck is our skill (9102133) | |
20/05/15 06:10h | team_kick IBERCOOL CS:GO (8638216) / by tinach (3608348) | |
10/06/15 13:02h | register_team Deleted account (9167722) | |
30/08/15 12:22h | join_team ARAMMMM (9370321) | |
31/08/15 16:30h | join_team touchME (9372715) | |
21/12/15 18:59h | join_team ESM White (9692340) | |
21/12/15 19:15h | leave_team touchME (9372715) | |
15/01/16 09:51h | leave_team ARAMMMM (9370321) | |
17/01/16 09:53h | join_team perpetual-play (9751918) | |
03/07/16 10:11h | team_kick LeveLUP (7905839) / by Deleted account (4304108) | |
30/10/16 06:35h | join_team ElevenPaths (10604663) | |
23/04/17 11:13h | join_team LeaveTheGame (11220479) | |
04/05/17 15:04h | team_kick LeaveTheGame (11220479) / by Deleted account (3155330) | |
06/05/17 19:38h | join_team mix4cups (11083164) | |
13/05/17 09:15h | join_team Deleted account (11194393) | |
13/06/17 15:30h | team_kick Deleted account (11194393) / by Deleted account (949401) | |
13/08/17 11:27h | join_team Spectre Club (11269097) | |
30/09/17 07:39h | team_kick Spectre Club (11269097) / by Deleted account (4558790) | |
03/12/17 11:46h | join_team Deleted account (10938623) | |
29/12/17 13:41h | team_kick Deleted account (10938623) / by p1pA (5084178) | |
09/01/18 17:37h | leave_team anTraX Gaming (5142545) | |
09/01/18 17:38h | leave_team Our luck is our skill (9102133) | |
09/01/18 17:58h | join_team Deleted account (12046901) | |
17/02/18 13:38h | join_team TRI POLOSKI (12116616) | |
11/03/18 11:21h | team_kick TRI POLOSKI (12116616) / by padorro (8057170) | |
02/06/18 08:55h | join_team Deleted account (11194393) | |
08/07/18 11:30h | join_team inether0 (12622059) | |
21/10/18 09:48h | register_team aiMboTz (12938495) | |
22/07/19 16:13h | join_team Raw Esports (13912655) |