KusKusPanda  id: 8525631
created Platform action
22/07/14 13:13h first_login_default 
22/07/14 13:15h wanna_join_league  BUL League of Legends 1on1 Alienware Challenge Qualification 1
22/07/14 14:05h join_league  BUL League of Legends 1on1 Alienware Challenge Qualification 1
26/07/14 07:01h wanna_join_league  BUL League of Legends 1on1 Alienware Challenge Qualification 2
26/07/14 07:20h join_league  BUL League of Legends 1on1 Alienware Challenge Qualification 2
03/08/14 07:10h join_team  BestJukersEUNE (7989492)
17/09/14 02:13h wanna_join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East 1on1 Ladder
17/09/14 04:14h join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East 1on1 Ladder
12/10/14 04:25h join_team  Losho ni e (8559364)
29/10/14 20:06h inactivity_kick  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East 1on1 Ladder
23/11/14 05:33h register_team  Invalid United (8760705)
17/01/15 10:18h team_kick  Losho ni e (8559364) / by Deleted account (8457424)
07/02/15 09:43h team_kick  BestJukersEUNE (7989492) / by Deleted account (7989431)
21/03/15 06:55h join_team  wAR MACHINE (7305234)
31/05/15 08:43h join_team  Nasty Cr3L (8947466)
25/07/15 06:57h register_team  33 Borcheta (9265557)
25/07/15 07:03h leave_team  Nasty Cr3L (8947466)
25/07/15 07:03h leave_team  wAR MACHINE (7305234)
09/08/15 09:28h join_team  wAR MACHINE (7305234)
12/09/15 09:56h leave_team  wAR MACHINE (7305234)
19/09/15 09:57h join_team  RandomsOnTheTop (9382675)
06/02/16 10:20h join_team  Demoted (9802467)
13/02/16 09:09h leave_team  RandomsOnTheTop (9382675)
13/02/16 09:09h leave_team  Demoted (9802467)
20/02/16 06:41h join_team  myRevenge.LOL Bulgarian (8529972)
05/03/16 06:41h leave_team  myRevenge.LOL Bulgarian (8529972)
23/04/16 10:51h join_team  Demoted (9802467)
19/05/16 12:12h join_team  Avalanche- (10126708)
27/07/16 14:36h join_team  Crucifixion (10300260)
28/07/16 13:02h leave_team  Demoted (9802467)
05/08/16 05:38h leave_team  Crucifixion (10300260)
15/09/16 12:57h join_team  Sborka123 (9761252)
19/01/17 12:45h join_team  Deleted account (10612607)
19/02/17 10:19h join_team  Deleted account (10744762)
17/03/17 02:01h leave_team  Deleted account (10744762)
17/03/17 02:02h leave_team  Deleted account (10612607)
25/03/17 10:29h join_team  BPro Gaming (10185267)
02/06/17 10:47h join_team  Demoted (9802467)
21/07/17 10:33h join_team  EAT SLEEP GAME (9115634)
11/08/17 10:57h join_team  Fenove na Devilkata (11620694)
21/09/17 11:53h join_team  godji briketa power (11728282)
29/09/17 09:58h leave_team  EAT SLEEP GAME (9115634)
13/10/17 11:43h join_team  besnite kycheta ot westa (11802768)
18/11/17 08:05h join_team  Random 5 (11911974)
02/03/18 11:47h join_team  ForkataIsReverse (12249586)
25/04/18 17:52h team_kick  Random 5 (11911974) / by Deleted account (6443397)
28/10/18 06:31h join_team  Pyrodox Gaming (12956070)
08/12/18 04:08h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Artifact Swiss Cup #2 Europe
08/12/18 05:11h join_league  ESL Play Artifact Swiss Cup #2 Europe
17/01/19 01:48h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Go4Artifact Europe Cup #1
17/01/19 03:52h join_league  ESL Play Go4Artifact Europe Cup #1
26/07/19 06:38h join_league  ESL Play LoL TFT Opening Cup Southeast Europe