created | Platform | action |
03/10/14 01:43h | first_login_default | |
04/10/14 05:16h | join_team RaNDOMS.eSport (8637088) | |
10/10/14 17:25h | team_kick RaNDOMS.eSport (8637088) / by Deleted account (5288104) | |
13/03/15 01:53h | join_team Qnatek (8847606) | |
27/03/15 09:00h | join_team Night Inside (9000575) | |
05/04/15 04:28h | join_team bIbIbI Gaming (9023314) | |
02/05/15 22:28h | leave_team Qnatek (8847606) | |
02/05/15 22:28h | leave_team Night Inside (9000575) | |
16/06/15 11:30h | join_team Strong Russian Team (9178946) | |
15/08/15 11:49h | leave_team Strong Russian Team (9178946) | |
13/09/15 08:58h | join_team Team EGO! (8622965) | |
13/09/15 12:54h | team_kick Team EGO! (8622965) / by Alevenom (5496315) | |
20/09/15 08:34h | join_team xXx Unkn0wn xXx (9362232) | |
09/10/15 23:32h | leave_team xXx Unkn0wn xXx (9362232) | |
09/10/15 23:42h | join_team MyRevenge e.V SoW Russia (9379698) | |
04/11/15 15:58h | team_kick MyRevenge e.V SoW Russia (9379698) / by Vzorlol (6322119) | |
11/12/15 11:53h | join_team Korean5 (9652596) | |
21/12/15 07:20h | leave_team Korean5 (9652596) | |
03/04/16 03:20h | join_team DimonkoDrujitSNashimLesnikom (10012507) | |
08/04/16 09:50h | leave_team DimonkoDrujitSNashimLesnikom (10012507) | |
29/08/16 00:09h | join_league ESL Play Go4Faeria Cup #1 Global | |
20/11/16 07:44h | join_team SOFT WET PILLOW (10637326) | |
11/08/17 00:25h | wanna_join_league ESL Play Go4HotG Global Cup #1 | |
11/08/17 04:29h | join_league ESL Play Go4HotG Global Cup #1 | |
23/08/17 13:30h | join_team Deleted account (11654390) | |
20/09/17 22:29h | leave_team Deleted account (11654390) | |
12/10/17 01:38h | join_league ESL Play ArenaOfValor 1on1 Open Ladder October 2017 Europe | |
12/10/17 03:41h | leave_league ESL Play ArenaOfValor 1on1 Open Ladder October 2017 Europe | |
13/01/18 11:29h | join_team For The Meme (11915167) | |
14/01/18 04:48h | join_team small cat (12062067) | |
17/01/18 02:28h | leave_team small cat (12062067) | |
17/01/18 02:28h | leave_team For The Meme (11915167) | |
21/01/18 05:48h | join_team Deleted account (9126202) | |
02/02/18 10:33h | team_kick Deleted account (9126202) / by XHRAMPAGE (3606304) | |
09/03/18 05:17h | join_team EZ4Us (11671522) | |
25/03/18 08:59h | team_kick EZ4Us (11671522) / by QuickWell (9388935) | |
25/03/18 09:05h | join_team EZ4Us (11671522) | |
31/03/18 04:23h | join_team CIS national team (12367221) | |
14/04/18 15:18h | team_kick CIS national team (12367221) / by QuickWell (9388935) | |
16/04/18 16:02h | leave_team EZ4Us (11671522) | |
05/08/18 06:58h | register_team Deleted account (12709807) | |
05/08/18 06:58h | register_team Deleted account (12709809) | |
05/08/18 06:58h | register_team CIS Dogs (12709810) | |
05/08/18 09:05h | join_team Krepkie Parni (12710090) | |
26/08/18 00:49h | join_team XotimV eSports (12765633) | |
26/08/18 14:24h | leave_team Krepkie Parni (12710090) | |
26/08/18 14:24h | leave_team XotimV eSports (12765633) | |
26/08/18 14:24h | leave_team SOFT WET PILLOW (10637326) | |
16/01/19 12:09h | join_team CREAM ESPORTS (13188330) | |
18/01/19 19:44h | leave_team CREAM ESPORTS (13188330) | |
30/07/20 18:57h | join_league ESL Play Iron Harvest (PC) Pre-Season Tournament #1 2020 | |
30/07/20 19:53h | leave_league ESL Play Iron Harvest (PC) Pre-Season Tournament #1 2020 | |
01/06/21 16:21h | join_team Down 5 (16932471) |