created | Platform | action |
15/07/04 12:13h | join_team s3xy (624675) | |
05/11/06 17:51h | join_team mousesports - UT (324381) | |
01/11/07 16:22h | wanna_join_league Ger Unreal Tournament 3 1on1 Demo Cup | |
01/11/07 16:34h | join_league Ger Unreal Tournament 3 1on1 Demo Cup | |
05/01/08 18:17h | join_team Saints and Sinners (2952355) | |
15/01/08 17:41h | wanna_join_league Europe Unreal Tournament 3 1on1 Custom Map Cup (Quickcup #5) | |
15/01/08 18:37h | join_league Europe Unreal Tournament 3 1on1 Custom Map Cup (Quickcup #5) | |
16/01/08 16:18h | first_login_esltv | |
25/08/08 08:06h | register_team Pure E-Sports (3463328) | |
04/10/08 18:28h | first_login_eslworld | |
16/10/10 06:35h | wanna_join_league Extreme Masters Season V Europe Quake Live Last Chance Qualifier 2 | |
16/10/10 19:45h | join_league Extreme Masters Season V Europe Quake Live Last Chance Qualifier 2 | |
17/10/11 10:41h | leave_team Deleted account (6280441) | |
12/02/14 15:07h | join_team Soulreapers (8213076) | |
16/04/16 08:48h | join_team mousesports - UT 2v2 (10014412) | |
30/10/16 07:31h | team_kick mousesports - UT 2v2 (10014412) / by Deleted account (325046) | |
04/05/17 08:06h | team_kick mousesports - UT (324381) / by Deleted account (325046) | |
27/01/18 18:52h | join_team Semprone Gaming (8901826) | |
12/08/18 13:44h | join_team BrD (Bredäng) (12692627) | |
22/12/18 18:11h | team_kick BrD (Bredäng) (12692627) / by Deleted account (6448193) | |
30/09/22 17:33h | team_kick Pure E-Sports (3463328) / by Daemon (3) | |
30/09/22 17:33h | team_kick Semprone Gaming (8901826) / by Daemon (3) | |
30/09/22 17:33h | team_kick Saints and Sinners (2952355) / by Daemon (3) | |
30/09/22 17:33h | team_kick Soulreapers (8213076) / by Daemon (3) |