Demonkin  id: 8849640
created Platform action
15/01/15 11:09h first_login_default 
15/01/15 11:11h join_league  ESL Play Fun Games PC Blub Game Open Blub Game Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
12/03/15 13:13h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Blub Game 1on1 Nightcup #1
12/03/15 13:14h join_league  ESL Play Blub Game 1on1 Nightcup #1
20/03/15 20:06h inactivity_kick  ESL Play Blub Game Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
22/03/15 06:47h join_team  Stay on the top (8991123)
22/03/15 14:13h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Blub Game 1on1 Spring Cup 2015 Europe
22/03/15 14:16h join_league  ESL Play Blub Game 1on1 Spring Cup 2015 Europe
08/07/15 09:35h join_league  ESL Play Blub Game 1on1 Summer Cup 2015 Europe
27/06/16 13:19h join_team  Russian Noobs Gaming (10224404)
29/06/16 12:34h register_team  Russian Noobs Gaming (10229798)
29/06/16 12:37h register_team  Russian Noobs Gaming Special (10229806)
01/07/16 04:24h register_team  Russian Noobs Gaming 3x3 (10233368)
03/07/16 07:49h join_league  ESL Play Rocket League 1on1 Aerial Cup #38
01/11/16 09:28h join_league  ESL Play Rocket League 1on1 Aerial Cup #55
01/04/17 07:34h register_team  H2O (11115412)
16/07/17 07:26h join_team  Deleted account (11522414)
01/10/17 07:22h join_team  Deleted account (11697623)
08/10/17 07:04h team_kick  Deleted account (11697623) / by Tango (10929356)
02/11/17 12:50h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Rocket League 1on1 Autumn 2017 Cup #3 Russia&CIS
02/11/17 12:58h join_league  ESL Play Rocket League 1on1 Autumn 2017 Cup #3 Russia&CIS
04/11/17 10:30h join_team  Bears United (11835267)
03/12/17 06:10h join_team  My Ping Is Big (11596323)
03/12/17 06:11h leave_team  Bears United (11835267)
03/12/17 06:11h leave_team  Russian Noobs Gaming (10224404)
03/12/17 06:11h leave_team  Stay on the top (8991123)
03/12/17 06:11h leave_team  Deleted account (11522414)
12/01/18 09:38h register_team  Team? (12054057)
02/03/18 11:17h join_team  REGENERATE eSports (12117559)
04/03/18 04:49h join_team  Potolok Gaming (11070380)
27/03/18 12:00h leave_team  REGENERATE eSports (12117559)
29/04/18 07:35h join_team  SeemsEnd (9925838)
03/06/18 05:03h join_team  OLD BOYZ!!! (12532397)
09/06/18 17:18h team_kick  Potolok Gaming (11070380) / by Deleted account (10311354)
04/08/18 17:12h join_team  Team Question Mark (12707776)
16/08/18 15:17h join_team  ATVINTA (12647140)
30/09/18 05:00h join_team  SeemsGood (12857762)
07/10/18 06:59h team_kick  SeemsGood (12857762) / by Deleted account (10072129)
08/02/20 08:28h register_team  SeemsGood (14723789)