ZaNosom  id: 8862153
created Platform action
21/01/15 15:22h first_login_default 
21/01/15 15:33h register_team  Deleted account (8862174)
25/01/15 05:42h join_team  Angry Ducks (7646769)
21/02/15 15:19h leave_team  Angry Ducks (7646769)
21/02/15 15:21h register_team  Deleted account (8932844)
24/02/15 11:28h join_team  Hot Balls (8904296)
01/03/15 18:02h leave_team  Hot Balls (8904296)
07/03/15 10:09h join_team  Started From The Bottom (8960132)
08/03/15 08:58h join_team  The Revival.Go4WoT (8281756)
14/03/15 12:02h join_team  The Revival (7951699)
17/03/15 07:59h join_team  Hellno Kitty (7634540)
03/05/15 08:38h leave_team  Hellno Kitty (7634540)
03/05/15 08:42h leave_team  The Revival.Go4WoT (8281756)
03/05/15 08:42h leave_team  The Revival (7951699)
03/05/15 08:42h leave_team  Started From The Bottom (8960132)
08/05/15 08:51h join_team  Infinity Gaming (8570255)
16/05/15 09:49h join_team  ALT.F4 (8795511)
06/06/15 08:09h join_team  W4lkers 7on7 (9158033)
25/07/15 13:14h join_team  ENVi ESPORTS.wot Go4 (9249453)
26/07/15 06:48h team_kick  Infinity Gaming (8570255) / by daejv (7978579)
27/07/15 13:22h join_team  Skill Not Found (9271286)
28/07/15 11:46h leave_team  W4lkers 7on7 (9158033)
28/07/15 11:46h join_team  ENVi ESPORTS.wot (7967650)
01/08/15 10:56h join_team  Infinity Gaming (8570255)
02/08/15 05:55h leave_team  Infinity Gaming (8570255)
08/08/15 10:38h join_team  JELITA STRONK (9282765)
15/08/15 16:42h team_kick  JELITA STRONK (9282765) / by Margot (7903197)
28/08/15 09:45h team_kick  ALT.F4 (8795511) / by daejv (7978579)
19/09/15 08:17h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone Blizzfan Cup #7 CZSK
19/09/15 08:41h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone Blizzfan Cup #7 CZSK
07/02/16 09:45h join_league  ESL Play Go4Hearthstone Europe Cup #32
11/05/16 09:17h join_team  Chicken, give me the bomb ! (10106454)
12/05/16 12:51h register_team  Slniecka:) (10110399)
02/07/16 05:26h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone Blizzfan Cup #39 CZSK
02/07/16 06:50h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone Blizzfan Cup #39 CZSK
02/07/16 10:57h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone Blizzfan Cup #39 CZSK
02/07/16 11:02h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone Blizzfan Cup #39 CZSK
07/07/16 10:36h join_team  Deleted account (10260832)
21/07/16 12:19h register_team  mrgl (10298212)
21/07/16 12:21h register_team  mrgl (10298221)
21/07/16 13:00h join_team  Infinity Gaming (8570255)
03/08/16 10:15h register_team  The Upcoming Horror (10342173)
07/08/16 10:18h register_team  The Upcoming Horror (10370130)
18/08/16 09:47h register_team  Pingaci CS:GO (10410022)
20/08/16 18:14h join_league  ESL Play Rocket League Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
20/08/16 18:15h leave_league  ESL Play Rocket League Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
26/08/16 08:53h team_kick  Infinity Gaming (8570255) / by daejv (7978579)
04/09/16 07:12h register_team  Novy Team (10459729)
25/09/16 06:33h join_team  cauahoj (10489320)
05/02/17 09:40h join_league  ESL Play Go4ProjectCARS (PC) Europe Cup #71
19/02/17 11:55h join_league  ESL Play Go4ProjectCARS (One) Europe Cup #73
19/02/17 11:55h join_league  ESL Play Go4ProjectCARS (One) Europe Cup #73
19/02/17 12:40h join_league  ESL Play Go4ProjectCARS (PC) Europe Cup #73
02/09/17 17:55h register_team  HexCom eSports (11681254)
07/12/17 09:56h team_kick  Deleted account (10260832) / by Luben (2958557)
27/06/18 10:26h register_team  Pseudo Rappers (12590637)